Chelsea XV

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I was just waiting around in Jordyn's apartment, doing nothing in particular.

I heard that there was a fire that Jordyn's Station were at, so I knew she'd had a busy day.

It was around nine or ten o'clock when Jordyn came through the door.

"Hey," she said, kissing my head before disappearing into her room. She came back out and went straight to the bathroom. I couldn't help but notice the smile she had on the entire time. Must've been a good day.

She came out of the bathroom, fresh faced and damp hair. She was in her PJ'S and I hadn't long got changed either. She sat down next to me on the sofa.

"You seem happy." I state. She replied with a sensual kiss. Which turned into a make-out session. I pulled away, "What's going on? You're not normally this happy after work."

"Captain Jordyn Rogerstone-Montgumery, wants to make out with you." she said with a teasing smile.

"You got promoted? That's awesome! Come here." I say, pulling her in for a hug, no, a cwtch. "I'm so happy for you. And I'm proud."

"Thank you."

"Do you wanna celebrate?" I ask.


"I say we go out. When's your next day off?"

"I don't even know. I'll text Camilla." she said pulling out her phone and texted her colleague.

"A Shift is off next weekend."

"What do you say? We go on a celebratory date?"

"Duh. Let's go to bed. I have work tomorrow and you have school." Jordyn said, getting up from the couch.

"But I don't want to go to school." I pouted.

"Tough." Jordyn laughed. She went to the bedroom and unless I didn't want to sleep tonight, I had no choice but to follow. I turned off all of the lights first though.

When I got in there, Jordyn was already under the covers and fasto. But she still left a space for me. I slipped into bed and cuddled into Jordyn's chest, letting sleep take me away.


I woke up to the space where my girlfriend should be, empty. I checked the time and it was six, thirty-five. Assuming that she has left for work, I get up and get ready for my day.

"Make lunch, have breakfast, get dressed, go to school." I say to myself as I walk into the kitchen.

I see a note on the refrigerator.

Gone to work. I made PB&J sandwiches with some other things. All in the fridge. I left my car keys on the hook. Have a good day :)

I didn't even think about the fact that my car was still at my parents house. Speaking of which, I should call my mom. I wrote on my hand to call her after school with the pen that Jordyn left on the counter. I make my breakfast and since Jordyn made my lunch I'll be ten minutes ahead. Ten minutes for a coffee run.

I get ready and take Jordyn's car. Some adjustments had to be made since Jordyn is very tall. I head to Starbucks and order a coffee for myself and my best friend, Chloe.

I met Chloe in kindergarten and she's stuck with me eve since. We study the same subjects at Uni and we plan to be work partners. Hopefully. She knows about me and Jordyn, because I sent her the photo that Amber took, but she hasn't met her yet.

I pull into the Uni parking lot and take the coffees with me to where I meet Chloe, which is by the stairs that lead to the front of the school. For once, Chloe is early.

"I brought you coffee." I greet.

"I love you." she expressed.


"Cry about it." she deadpans.

I roll my eyes and laugh at my friends bluntness.

"So, how's your girlfriend?" Chloe asks as we ascend the stairs.

"She's good. She's at work right now."

"She's a fire fighter, right?"

"Yeah, she got promoted recently, she's a Captain now." I gush.

"How old is she?"


"She must be good."

"Must be."

As we reached the top of the stairs, a loud bang sounded that shook the ground and thick black smoke rose from the top of the building, soon followed by a burst of flames.

"Oh my god." I gasped. Chloe and I quickly spun around and descended the stairs and down to the school parking lot, as that was where we were supposed to go.

About three minutes later, two Fire Engines and what looked like an Ambulance but red, showed up. They all had the number 14 on them.

Hopped out a tall figure with an orange helmet. Their back was away from me but I could read the name at the bottom of their turnouts.


Then she turned around and made eye contact with me. I threw a smile and a small wave and she did too. I hit Chloe's arm and turned her attention from her phone and to my girlfriend.

"That's her." I say, pointing to Jordyn as she had her team in a circle, listening to her orders.

"She's... Wow." Chloe breathed.

"I know right?"

We watched as her team set to work. All running in different directions to carry out their given duties from Jordyn.

Jordyn looked at Chloe and I and gestured for us to come to her. We both did so.

"Do any of you two know how it started?" she questioned once we reached her. I won't lie, I had different intentions on the stroll over here and they were not answering questions.

"There was a massive explosion like, it literally shook the ground, then the black smoke came followed by the fire." Chloe explained.

"Thank you." she placed her hand on the radio that rested on her shoulder, "Alright team, we're dealing with a big explosion and we don't know if there is more explosives inside, proceed with caution." she informed. A string responses of "Copy, Captain." came from the radio.

There were still students and teachers piling out of the school. One guy came out who was literally on fire. Jordyn ran towards him with a fire blanket and I had no idea she was that fast. She could probably run the speed limit on the freeway. She threw the blanket over the guy and rushed him over to Triage. I heard the man explain what had happened,

"We were doing an experiment. A highly flammable chemical mixed with the gas we use for the bunsen burners and when we went to light it, BOOM. I was lucky to get out of there."

Jordyn then told her team this information and to be honest, I was bored so I went back over to the parking lot with some of the other Uni girls. They all gossiped and ranted about how this was going to ruin their grades. We're probably going to be doing online learning now, if our Professors survived of course.

I feel sort of betrayed. I get that she's doing her job but I genuinely thought that she wanted me to come over for a kiss or a hug. I don't know.

We were dismissed by the Dean and we could all go home. I went back to Jordyn's apartment, I have nowhere else to go.

When I got through the door, I decided to read one of Jordyn's selections. Reading this book inspired me. I want to write a book. I've wanted to for a while but never knew what to write about. And it'd be cool to co-write it with someone.

Today's been an emotional roller coaster, I hope tomorrow's better. And I can't wait for Jordyn to get home, she owes me lots of hugs and kisses.

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