Jordyn XLII

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I called my parents over today because I wanted to talk to them about... Conception.

We finished with the house last week, we have photos up, instruments in the basement, a trampoline in the back yard, per Chelsea's request and we've turned all on the spare bedrooms into guest rooms. Should we need to change it around for a little babe, it will be doable.

Today marks mine and Chelsea's one month of marriage. It is April 21st.

Mom and Mama are on their way and I am making food for them. Bangers and mash, one of Mama's favourites. If you don't know what that is, it's sausages, mashed potatoes, vegetables and gravy. It's delicious. For dessert, we have brownies and ice cream. Chelsea made the brownies and they are amazing.

I hear a knock on the door and I know Chelsea has answered the door because she exclaims, "Hey! I've been so excited to see you!"

They don't know that we want to talk about having a kid. And I'm kinda nervous. I have no idea why, they're the most easy going people around.

"Hey, kiddo." I hear Mama say. I turn to face her and smile.

"Hey, Mama. How are you?"

"I'm fine. How are you?"

"I'm so happy. This is the happiest I've been since I moved out. I have a wife and a house. It's great. I'm great." I gush.

"I'm glad to hear that. What's for dinner? I am starving."

"Bangers and mash." I grin. Mama gasps in delight and hugs me.

"You know your Mama." she smiles.

I have everyone sit down at the table and I bring in their plates of food. I also get the drinks they need.

"The gravy is amazing, Jordie!" Mom says.

"Thanks, Mom."

We finish our dinner and I bring out dessert and refill of drinks.

We wrap up dessert and now we talk business. My hands go all clammy and I feel my leg bounce in nervousness. I feel Chelsea's hand on my moving knee and it calms down almost instantly.

"Jordyn? What's going on?" Mom asks.

"Uh- we uh. We wanted to ask how you guys were able to conceive." I finally get out.

They both smile. "You want to have a baby?"

I nod.

"That's great! But, what's about to come out of my mouth probably sounds like bullshit." Mama shrugs.

"I'm all ears." I listen eagerly.

"I make sperm when I have an orgasm." Mama says.

I'm a little shocked. That's not what I was expecting, at all.

"And we think it might've been passed on to nearly all of you kids, bar Bennie. Obviously we don't know about the younger five. But you could go and see Auntie Audrey about it. If you do as well, then you have your answer." Mama smiles lightly.

"Whoah." is all Chelsea and I can say.

"It's crazy, I know."


A week later.

So, we're at the hospital. About to see if I produce sperm.

My Auntie Audrey walks in and smiles at me. I try my best to smile back but its hard because she's about to look at my cum, basically. That shit's embarrassing.

"Hey Jordyn. I know why you're here, your Mama told me. So, here's the drill. I'll leave you and Chelsea to, you know, and there should hopefully be enough to fill the bottom of this cup. Put the lid on, seal it in the bag and I'll get back to you, ASAP." she explains.

We both nod and she leaves us to, you know. And boy was I not expecting that much... Produce. Almost half the cup.

Chelsea seals it and puts it in the bag.

We left the hospital and go home after we handed it back to Auntie Audrey.


The next day.

The phone rings and I immediately pick it up and answer.

"Hello?" I say timidly.

"Hey Jordyn. It's Auntie Audrey. Calling to let you know your results are in. You indeed produce sperm cells."

I'd never thought I would ever say this but that was music to my ears. I say my thank you's and hang up.

I find Chelsea in the home office and beam at her concentrated face. She's been working really hard on that book and I really hope she can get it published. And when she does, I could use my social media to advertise. They know she's my wife and they've accepted her with open arms.

She sees me standing at the door. "Hey, baby. I'm just about to finish the last chapter. Do you need anything?"

"How much have you got left?" I cross my arms and lean on the doorway.

"This last paragraph and that it. I'm done."

"Okay, finish that. Come find me when you do." I say and leave without anything else.

About ten minutes later she finds me in the living room and sits next to me on the sofa.

"I was trying to figure out how to end it. But I managed. What's up?"

I let a big smile creep across my face as I stare at my wife.

"Let's make a baby." is all I say.

"What?" her face drops as she processes.

"Me. You. Bed. Tonight. Making a baby." I say.

"You can...?" she starts to smile. I nod and she jumps on me.

"This is great! We can make a baby!" she says as she cuddles into me. I kiss her head and she leans up to kiss my lips. I lie down so she's on top of me and hold her tight.

"What do you say? Tonight?"

"Yeah, tonight. We are making a baby."

Thank god that's she's at the most likely time to get pregnant. I wasn't sure how long I'd be able to wait patiently.

"We are going to make a baby tonight." I repeat. I feel her nod and and kiss my neck.

"Should we start thinking about names?" Chelsea suggests.

"You're not even pregnant yet, babe. Let's just try tonight and we'll go from there." I chuckle.

"Okay. I'm just so happy. I love you."

"I'm so happy, too. I love you also."


I know this isn't exactly scientific, but that's just the science in my MD world. Don't come at me. This is just the perfect world I see when I close my eyes.

Hope you're enjoying the story :)


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