Chelsea XIX

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I decided to go out again with Chloe the following day, considering that Jordyn is in work and I don't have school to catch up on. We were just going to hang out after my shift finishes. So now I am watching the time like a hawk.

"Do you not like me anymore?" Alley said.

"I do. I'm just going to hang out with a friend after shift." I explain.

"Okay then. How's you and Jordyn? Get up to anything fun lately?" she teases, poking the mark on my neck from last night. I swat her hand away and make a noise of protest.

"We had a bed-date last night." I say, realising how Alley's dirty mind would interpret that phrase. "We didn't do it, we just had dinner in bed, with wine. None of the dirty stuff. Just dinner."

"Whatever you say." Alley said, throwing her hands up in defense. "Look who's here." she said, nodding her head towards the door. Jordyn came in with Camilla at her side, smiling at me with the loving smile of hers.

"Hey." she says.

"Hi." I giggle like a lovesick teenager.

Get it together, Chels. You're twenty-one for fuck's sake.

I leaned over the counter to grab Jordyn's shirt and drag her down to me for a quick kiss. When I pulled away, Camilla smacked Jordyn on the arm.

"What was that for?" Jordyn yelled at Camilla.

"Don't raise your voice at me. Look what you did to her neck! She has to deal with the teasing of her sister now." Camilla said sternly.

"How would my sister see it? She hasn't arranged a meet up with me."

As if on queue, Amber waltzed in with Lucy clinging to her hand. Amber stopped by Camilla and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Auntie Jordyn!" Lucy squealed as she ran to my girlfriend. Jordyn picked her up and tickled her, causing the girl to laugh uncontrollably.

"I missed you, Auntie Jordyn." Lucy said once the tickling ceased and Jordyn hugged Lucy to her shoulder.

"Really? That's sweet. I missed you too."

Lucy seemed content in Jordyn's arms and so that's where she stayed. My heart melted at the sight, the thought that she's going to be like this with her future kids is warming. I hope I'm there to see that

"What's that?" Amber asked, pointing at my neck.

"I think you know what it is." I say, flickering my eyes nervously to Jordyn's.

"I will scold you later." she said to Jordyn. Jordyn's eyes flickered with fear but returned to a stoic expression. That's hot.

The four made their orders and went to go sit down. I wondered why they were here because Jordyn and Camilla had to work.

Once all of their drinks were made, I put them all on a tray for the group. I placed all of their drinks in front of them, earning a kiss on the cheek from Jordyn.

"Thank you, Auntie Chelsea." Lucy said innocently. I smiled and told her that she was welcome. I've noticed that she's calmed down a whole lot since the last time I saw her. I wondered if it was time or her new Mama. I looked around to see if the café was busy, which it wasn't, and shot a look to Alley, telling her I was going to sit with them. She nodded and I have never loved Alley more.

Looking back, I see that there are no seats left but Jordyn is so conviniently sat on the outside. So I sat on her lap.

"Sure, sit down, babe. My lap is free." she said once I was situated.

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