Jaydyn XXIX

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Jordyn has been in the hospital for a few weeks. To say it's been draining, is an understatement.

Between work, being there for Chelsea and the rest of the family while also trying to make time for Fender, it's hard. And tiring.

I'll sometimes sleep on Jordyn's couch, just to keep Chelsea company. She tells me I don't have to. But I think she needs it. She barely eats and she doesn't smile anymore. The light behind her eyes is gone.

Even though I've only known Jordyn and Chelsea for about two months, Jordyn being unconcious for one of them, I still feel attached and wanting to be there. Fender feels the same but not as much as I do, so she says.

I sit with Jordyn for twenty minutes before work, and then I'm out. And I'll come back and do the same thing the next day. And the next. And the next.

I know that Apollo comes in quite often. But that's all I know.

It's currently five fifty-two, AM, and I'm sitting with Jordyn right now. She's quite uneventful. The machine breathes in and out for her and the annoying beeps of her heart monitor torment me.

I agree with Chelsea, some sick joke this is.

I hold Jordyn's hand for a while. It feels cold, and that really breaks my heart.

I lean my head on our conjoined hands. And I cry a little bit. I think about what my life could've been like if I wasn't kidnapped. If I could've stayed with Mom and Mama. Feel the love they had to give me. And the close bond I would've had with Jordyn. I bet she would've been the best part of my childhood, because she certainly has been the best part of my adulthood so far.

I kiss her hand and mumble sweet sorrows to her.

I almost stop breathing when I feel a twitch. I look up at her and see her choking on the tube. I jump up and shout at a nurse. Not aggressively, of course.

"Help! She's awake!" I shout. She quickly comes in and lays Jordyn flat.

"On the count of three, I want you to breath out. Okay. One, two, three." and she pulls out the tube. She rolls Jordyn on her side so she can cough and get back to normal breathing.

"I'll go and get the doctor." the nurse said before rushing out of the room. I wander over to Jordyn and look at her.

Her brown eyes meet mine, she looks confused.

"What's the matter, Jordyn?" I ask.

"I'm alive?" she breathes.

"Yeah, you are. Isn't that crazy?" I joke.

"I'm tired." she whispers. I see her eyes close and her body go limp. I check that she's still breathing, just in case. And she is.

The doctor comes in, as well as Ruth. She works in the hospital and must've caught wind. The doctor wakes up Jordyn, with ease might I add, and proceeds on making chekups.

After she's happy, she voices that much and leaves the room while mumbling, "It's a miracle."

That's Jordyn for you. A miracle.

I notice that she's still awake and looking around.

"Hey, you." I smile at her. She smiles back and I feel good.

"Hey." she croaks. I mean, she did have a tube in her throat for a month.

"Nice of you to come back." Ruth scoffs, jokingly.

"Shhh." Jordyn places her finger on her lips and smiles.

"But seriously, we missed you." Ruth says.

Jordyn pouts and pulls the both of us in for a hug. I hug her and Ruth in my arms and enjoy the feeling of security. A feeling I was deprived of for so long. We pull back and Jordyn is back to the questions.

"How long was I out?"

"A month. Selfish cow." Ruth sasses.

"A month? How's Chelsea?" Jordyn asks.

"She's not doing to good. But I bet she'd be thrilled to know you're awake." I say. Jordyn nods. Ruth excuses herself and goes back to work.



"When I get out, will you take me shopping?" I almost laugh at the simple question.

"Shopping? I mean, yeah, for sure. But why shopping?" I ask back.

"I want to go ring shopping for Chelsea."

It takes me a moment to realise what she means. She wants to propose to Chelsea. I smile at the thought.

"Yeah, of course. She told me about the matching rings you got her a few months ago."

"Does she still wear it?" She has this hopeful look on her face.

"Dude, I think Chelsea would rather die than take it off."

Jordyn laughs. "I want to marry that girl." she mumbles.

"Can I be your best man?" I joke.

"You'd have to fight Camilla. How is she?"

I met Camilla two months back when I first found Jordyn. She's quite the character.

"Yeah, Camilla got hurt in the fire as well. She's still recovering but she's still Camilla. Oh, and she told me to say, 'if you die, I'll kill you'. So, don't die. Please. I can't have a double dead Jordyn." I laugh.

"Of course not."

"What was it like? Being in a coma, I mean."

"It was all black from the moment I heard the building crumbling, then, I guess about a week ago, I started hearing things, and feeling. The doctors hands were cold. But it was really weird because I still couldn't breathe on my own." she explained.

"Whoah. That's weird." I gasp.

"Yeah. What day is it?"

"Saturday. And I am late for work, I'll call in sick, though. This is way more important." I say.

"No, you need to work and save lives." she insists.

"Nope. You can't stop me either. I am sitting here until I feel like leaving. And that's final." I say and further plant my butt into my seat.

"You're unbelievable." she mumbles. "Fine, can you at least call Chelsea in? If she's not in work that is."

"She took a leave of absence. But I'll call her in now." I say.

"You should be like,'Oh my god! Chelsea, come quick. It's Jordyn.' Then she'll rush over so I can see her sooner." Jordyn suggests while using a hand phone with it.

"That's cruel. I'm not doing that." I dismiss, pulling out my phone.

"Booooring." she groans.

I ring Chelsea up while shaking my head at my twin's behaviour.

"Hello?" I hear her tired voice say.

"Hey, what're you up to?" I ask softly.

"Nothing, much. I haven't been able to sleep. I feel bad for not visiting Jordyn lately. I might do that today."

"I think you should. Do it now, actually."

"Why the urgency? Is she okay?" she panics.

I decide to be a bit mean and hang up the phone. I feel bad now but what's done is done.

I look up to Jordyn , "She's on her way."

She smiles like a dork and nods enthusiastically.

What a child.

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