Chapter 31: Healed

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"So, who won?" America's voice rang around the quiet crowd. I hesitated, standing next to Russia both he and I stared at ASEAN, waiting for a response of any kind.

I snapped out of the trance after a minute of silence passed by. I carefully looked at the partially healed wounds that littered his body. God, Russia, how are you so perfectly fine with all the blood you've lost?

I had always had a hard time healing countries fully, but I did the best I could, My energy was always drained rather quickly through healing, I needed to figure out how to make it last longer, but I hadn't had the time.

I took one final glance at Russia's wounds, wondering if I should heal him more but I decided against it, I needed to focus on healing America. I returned back to America, his wounds called to me, they were interesting but disgusting to me at the same time.

"ASEAN?" He asked again, awaiting an answer that didn't come. I slightly lifted America's already raggedy shirt to see his bloodied scratch before hovering my fingers over his ink-covered scratch.

I pressed my fingers down against the ink, trying to understand what it was. America looked down at me, lifting an eyebrow, pain glazed his eyes and I pulled back my hand, black ink stretched along my fingers, it connected my fingers to his body like slime.

"YUCK!" I snorted, flinging my hand in an attempt to sling off the ink, but it stuck.. America looked down at me again then at my hand, his eyes widened and he traced the ink to his own body.

A mix of fear and interest filled his gaze as he opened his mouth.

"What the hell is that?" His own hands slid to the wound, gently prodding at the slimy blackness which also stuck to his fingers, He stretched his fingers, stretching the slime and messing with it.

"Interesting." He whispered down to me in awe before returning his attention to ASEAN who stood nervously looking at a small notepad in her hands. I knew this notepad had nothing on it as ASEAN had always carried it around, she never wrote in it, but there was writing already in it. This writing wasn't in her own handwriting, it seemed like something important, written to calm her nerves when she was stressed, what exactly was written? I don't know.

"I declare - with my utmost authority... The winner is..." Everyone went silent their attention all on ASEAN, my own breath caught in anticipation as ASEAN took in a sharp breath


Silence hovered for a moment before being replaced with screams of cheers, I turned over towards Russia who was staring daggers at ASEAN.

America burst out with an uproar of laughter while the crowd screamed their cheers for their new leader, America's laughter almost instantly went out being replaced with new groans of laughing agony.

"Ты чертова сука.(You fucking bitch)" Russia snarled towards ASEAN in his own language, he then turned over towards America

"Не волнуйся, маленький американец, скоро я заберу его у тебя. Просто дай мне время.(Don't worry little American, I will be taking it from you soon. Just give me time.)"

ASEAN quickly escaped the scene, probably feeling Russia's glare on her back. I stood up myself, nervously making my way off of the arena as Russia's eyes started glowing a bright red. He also turned away from the crowd and walked off, but he went towards the forest instead. I wouldn't want to be the one living with Russia after that!

Finland rushed over to my side, looking me up and down making sure I was alright after using my power.

"Babe, I'm okay!" He smiled as I spoke before settling in a confused look.

Once Upon a Time (A Rusame Story) ~CountryHumans AU~Where stories live. Discover now