Chapter 59; A light in the Darkness

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(Quick authors note; pack a snack for this one and be ready to point out many miss spelled words, cause this is a long chapter-)


"Fuck me..." I groned annoyed, America had explained the plan and with that I have to tell the students when to meet and where. More, lovely, socialness I just HAD to do.

"Kazakhstan, calm down, it'll be fine." Vietnam rolled his eyes. He slapped a hand to my shoulder, roughly patting as I stared at him.

"It will not be fine, Vietnam. We are teenagers going to war with other countries and on top of that we have to ONCE MORE rally the students WITHOUT letting China have any clue we are doing so. Literally anything can go wrong in this plan." I painfully dragged my hand down my face as Vietnam removed his hand. My wings splayed out, as I tried loosening the tension in them.

"How about you go out for a bit and maybe cool off, Ill have a plan together when you come back, okay?" Vietnam offered, he held his hand out questionigly as I let out a long aggitated sigh.

"Yes. I will go out, but I swear to god, Vietnam. If I come back and nothing is done i'm going to literally tear you apart." Perhaps I was the nicest brother between me and Russia, but that didnt mean I couldnt get as cold as my brother.. Vietnam shivered a bit as I returned my gaze to the guy.

"Yes, yes. Ill get it done, you go relax now!" Vietnam spoke quickly while ushering me out of the door. I slowly stood up, retightening my wings to my back as I almost hit the barstool.

"Our battle starts tomorrow. We have to either be ready or pray to the Vatican that we live." My eyes trailed to the door as I stalked over to it. Annoyance and worry had drained me since yesterday's talk with America and the plan, now, at this point all I felt was a burden that could either cause us to win this war or cause a fatal crash in our plans.

"Ill be back in about an hour, give or take." I sighed, giving him a time. Whenever I gave a time frame, I would never be a minute late, a habit I had learned to stay safe

"Okay, and Kazakhstan, I swear you need to chill out, we did well with the first rally, I know that we will do amazing with this one too." Vietnam's words didnt really stick to me as I exited my dorm, something about how we had improvised the first rally had really unsettled something in me as if we had no set plan.

Somehow I found myself autopiloting outside as my mind continued to run circles around me, possibilities, outcomes, problems and occasionally the one or two thoughts of what would happen if we actually won this war.

I stopped on the cold stones of the walkway up to the school. My eyes focused on the treeline before I threw my head back stressed.

"Ughhhhh." I balled my fist, spreading my wings as I stared silently at the sky. I wish I could just go out there and kill all of them and that just be it. This war shouldnt have to be as stressful as it is! Was this what UN had to go through during world war one?! Fuck!

With a starting flap of my golden wings, air began to circulate around me, flowing in between each feather and through my hair. The calming sensation of freedom washed over me as a second flap released the earth's hold of me.

A smile began to form on my face I got further and further away from the ground below me. I pulled the goggles from my forehead and slapped them over my eyes as I activated my power, allowing a long feathered tail to form and a couple of silencing feathers to remove my wingbeat. A tingling, numb feeling shot through my feet as they morphed into talons, long and sharp.

"Willow!" I whistled, looking around for my bird. After a couple of moments of silence I called out again, releasing a long whistle.

Once again Willow did not respond, no rustle of trees, and no sight of my bird. My heart dropped as dread filled my emotions. I glanced at the trees before darting towards the forest, calling out frantically for Willow.

Once Upon a Time (A Rusame Story) ~CountryHumans AU~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt