Chapter 32

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"KAZAKHSTAN! GO! FLY!" Egypt's scream sent me into a full on frenzy. I flapped my wings as hard as I could instantly lifting off of the ground.
My eyes began glowing a bright orange-yellow as my tail and talons began forming. "KAZ GO STOP STANDING AROUND!" Egypt had the entire group and more huddled together in the moonlight.

I slowly moved myself forward, towards the forest before looking back to see the group all whispering to each other. Switzerland looked up at me and spoke through his mind.

"I'll tell you the plan when either you get back or we get to you." His eyes returned to the group as I nodded. Swiftly, I turned around and flew off towards the forest as fast as I could.

(10 minutes earlier)

I awoke to the sound of banging on my dorm room door. "Ugh! It's like 7 in the afternoon, let me sleep!" Argentina complained, leaving me to be the one to answer it.
I slowly walked over to the wooden door, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. As soon as the click of the doorknob sounded, Egypt burst in, slamming the door to the walk causing a loud 'BOOM!' and probably a hole in my wall as well

"Egypt, It's 7 in the afternoon, what could you possibly need that is so important that you had to wake me up?" Egypt looked at me utterly confused.
"You are telling me that you and Argentina go to bed at 7... in the afternoon..? OkAy!?" He laughed a bit before returning to the actual issue.
His face formed into a frown, he leaned slightly on his cane, looking me straight in the eye. "Russia and America are in trouble. They are in the forest and someone else is with them." My eyes widened as shock set in. "WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY IT SOONER?!"
I slammed my hand onto the light switch, turning it on with a hateful groan from Argie who covered his eyes Shielding them from the light.
"ARGIE! RUSSIA AND MERI ARE IN TROUBLE! WE HAVE TO HELP!" He peaked out of his room, looking at me with pure confusion for a moment then the words clicked and his eyes widened.
"Shit! Come on! Let's go!" He ran towards me pushing out into the hall in his Pjs.
"You don't even know where we are going, Argie." He stopped and turned around to look at me and Egypt. "True, Come on let's go! Lead the way Egypt!"
Egypt immediately took the lead, leading us to the outside where many countries stood awaiting Egypt's commands.

(Boom now you know what happened that or you are very very confused)

My wing beat faded away as My tail fully formed. I studied the ground, looking for any signs of movement, Although I was having a hard time due to the moonlight being the only light emitting besides my eyes. After a few minutes of flying around and finding nothing, I heard something yell out in pain. I stopped and hovered for a moment, locating and pinpointing the sound.
"Egypt, I think I've found something." My voice was clear, but I didn't know if I was too far for the Egyptian country to hear me.

Slowly, I dove towards the noise, Landing on an open clearing that overlooked the trees. My wings tightened against my back and my tail fluttered over the air as I looked around. I stepped towards the clearing, stepping into a warm liquid causing me to jump back.
Blood littered the ground, Grass was dyed red and petals were bloodied. I looked around the clearing, studying every inch of it. Ice frozen over blades of grass gave me a hint that Russia had been here, many more hints of Russia's pass through followed.
But was America here? I continued looking around until my eyes stopped on a puddle of black. Is that blood? I squinted my eyes trying to see it but failing.

Once Upon a Time (A Rusame Story) ~CountryHumans AU~Where stories live. Discover now