Unrequited love

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Ten months. Ten months they'd been married. John loved Sherlock, he really did, but just maybe not in that way. Maybe not in the same way that Sherlock loved him. Oh Sherlock was infatuated. His face glowed when John entered the room, John often caught him grinning while looking at him from the corner of his eye and the frequent cuddles and kisses that utterly repulsed John excited Sherlock more than anything else in the world.

John didn't know what to do.

Ten months of marriage. Ten months of sloppy romance and unrequited love. Ten months of hell.

Actually no, rephrase that. Eight months of hell. Only eight.

Yes, they had been married for ten, no, they hadn't 'fallen out of love' because John was never in love in the first place. However, the last two months John had been happy, or at least happier.

Happier because of Greg.

Yes, Greg Lestrade.

Ever since the policeman's marriage had broken down he had been lonelier and lonelier, no friends, no anyone.

Sherlock had been visiting his parents at their family home with Mycroft one evening as their father was very ill. John had seen this as an opportunity to have some fun.

He dolled himself up, on the prowl to find a nice 'bit-on-the-side' down at his local bar. Well, just a 'bit', really. He was looking for a lover not a mistress (if that's the correct term).

It was at said bar that he head the familiar voice of a certain detective inspector sounding particularly dreary.

Well, long story short, they had hooked up, despite Greg knowing about Sherlock. Despite Greg being the fucking best man at their wedding.

It had been the best night of John's life. The sex was ah-may-zing. Greg agreed so they did it again. And again. And again until it became a regular thing, until it became more than just-a-quick-shag every now and then.

Until it became feelings. Requited feelings.

On the one hand John felt bad for Sherlock, he really did the poor bugger, but then on the other hand, no. John deserved to be happy too.

Sherlock never knew about Greg, he never even suspected. He never noticed the looks the two men gave each other at crime scenes or how the amount of texting that John did suddenly increased. He never noticed that all of a sudden John was going out more and not inviting him. Going to visit 'uni friends' or 'sick relatives'.

Surely what Sherlock doesn't know can't hurt him? Right?

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