Text (part 1)

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(A/N so okay, this one is short, but it's going to be a two/three/however many I want to write long :)

John, come quick - SH

God, John wished he'd stop doing this. Always sending people texts that made it sound like he was in so much trouble, when really, we had run out of milk or he couldn't find his scarf.

If was so annoying. Had he never heard the story of the boy who cried wolf?

John. - SH

I need you're help. - SH

John sighed and put his phone away in his pocket so he could get back to work. It was 13:46, according to his new watch that Sherlock had bought him for his birthday last month, so that meant he had four hours left before he could go home.

Just a few more patients, he told himself, as the receptionist buzzed him through the intercom to let him know that someone was coming in.

His phone beeped.

Begrudgingly John took it out of his pocket and read what he had written this time.

John I really really need your help. It's important. - SH

He gritted his teeth. God Sherlock had some nerve didn't he? He knew he was at work, and if it was that important he would've phoned Lestrade.

So John decided to turn his phone off and slipped it into his jacket.

Two minutes later, unbeknown to John, he received another text. It read;

Please John - SH

Sherlock never said please.

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