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"I don't understand! You've just been ignoring me for days! What did I do? Tell me John!"

Sherlock continued with his rant, shouting things in John's direction. They had barely spoken in weeks. Just the occasional nod or smile.

Sherlock had been really nice, always asking if John was okay, making him breakfast, and even dinner on one occasion. He actually asked him if wanted to watch the TV with him one night!

But John didn't like it one bit. He wasn't sure what had gotten into Sherlock but he definitely didn't like it.

John didn't want to say it but he missed the old Sherlock. The one who would make rude comments about his new jumper or smirk at him when he couldn't work something out at one of their crime scenes.

He loved the obnoxious, arrogant, and rude dickhead that he used to live with, but he didn't know where he'd gone.

"I've tried to be nice! I have! But it's obviously not working." Sherlock carried on, his voice almost cracking in some places, however John didn't notice. He was too busy looking at the detectives lips.

Their beautiful, angular edges and the tiny little lines running across then. They looked so soft and down right kissable in the morning sunlight that poured through the window of their living room.

He didn't even realise he was thinking about kissing him. Imagining what his flat mate tasted like. I bet its something nice, he thought, I bet He tastes like something nice like tea or maybe coffee.

He couldn't take it much longer and before he realised what he was doing it was too late.

Their lips collided with such force, they almost fell backwards. John reached his hand up to Sherlock's face, running his thumb across his smooth cheekbone but instantly retracted it as Sherlock pulled away from him forcefully.

Oh shit. What had he done?

His eyes were wide with shock as John backed away from him ever so slowly.

"Sorry. I... I'm sorry." He said looking at the floor whilst quickly turning to leave before Sherlock rejected him.

"John?" He heard as he reached the door.

Reluctantly John turned his head round ever so slightly.

Sherlock just looked at him with confusion laced across his face.

John just blinked back tears, silently cursing himself for his stupidity and naivety and for ruining his only true friendship.

He took one last quick look at Sherlock before practically running down the stair and out on to the busy streets of London, unsure of where he was headed, but knew anywhere would be better than where he had come from.

A collection of Johnlock oneshotsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя