Dear Sherlock

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(A/N this one I am proud of. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy and sad and happy inside, so enjoy!)

Dear Sherlock

I know you don't read these letters, how could you? But that's not going to stop me from writing them. Whenever I place them by your grave, they have always disappeared by the next day. I don't know how or why, but they do.

I know it can't be true but I like to imagine that you sit and read them after I leave. Or that maybe you've kept them all to read at a later date. A guy can hope right?

After all this time, I still haven't explained to you why I write them. I used to tell myself I did it because my therapist told me it would help, but I think I know now that that isn't the whole truth.

Life with out you, Sherlock, is boring. There's no one to put body parts in my fridge or insult me on a daily basis which I guess in retrospect should be a good thing. But for some reason, that's what I miss most.

If you were reading these letters, you might wonder why I haven't sent one in over two months. It's not because I'm over you, believe me I'm not, but I met someone. Six weeks ago in fact. Her name is Mary and she is wonderful. Not that you would care but she really is.

She's helped me deal with... This... Better than anyone else I know. I really think it might be serious.

Before I do move on though I feel like you should know that I loved you. More than anyone else I have ever loved before and probably ever will. But, I guess it was never meant to happen, and eventually I will learn to accept that.

So, just bear that in mind when I tell you that I love Mary and know that I loved you first. It was always you and always will be.

Sherlock, you were the greatest man I ever knew. But Mary is the greatest woman and I know that she is the best thing for me right now.

And I hate to say it, but this shall be my last letter. Not necessarily ever, but for now at least.

I need time to think.

About you.

About Mary.

About what to do next.

And when I have decided, about what path I should take, which route I should guide my life in, who I choose to love and care about, I want you to know that my decision was one hundred per cent influenced by you and only you.

You have shaped my life in ways that one could only imagine and I am truly grateful for that. Because without you, I would still be that lonely, vulnerable, broken man that I was when I met you and my life would be utterly pointless.

So I take this moment to thank you, Sherlock Holmes, for everything that you have ever done for me. Where ever you are, be it heaven, the afterlife or just a wooden box buried beneath my feet, I don't think I can ever thank you enough.

Goodbye, Sherlock.


Doctor John Watson

Fifth Northumberland Fusileers,

Your best friend.

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