Chapter 11 - Getting up close and handsy

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I promised myself I wouldn't think about him. But the way he leaned forward when we argued at the party had me clenching my thighs together. He looked alive during that stupid fight about romcoms.

But D is an ass. He probably always has been and always will be a spoiled brat.

That's why it surprised me when I woke up in the middle of the night a few days later and realized I had barely thanked him for driving me. I didn't even offer him gas money. He'd probably say no. But I should have offered.

With a groan, I bury my face in the pillow and try to put it out of my head. He doesn't care; I tell myself. Why would he? But that's not how my parents raised me. If someone helped you, you thanked them. Whenever our friends drove us, our parents always sent gas money along. If they found out someone had given me a ride, they would insist on it.

It wasn't until I was older that my mom told me the story of her friend who ran out of gas in a dangerous neighborhood. She didn't have cell service and got out of the car to get help.

She never spoke of what happened, but she was beat up pretty badly and it took her years to get over it. Ever since then, my mom never let her gas tank go below half.

That's the story that creeps up on me in the middle of the night and I can't let it go. I have no doubt that D can put gas in his own car, unless he has someone that does that for him. But that wouldn't matter to my mom. If she heard of this, she would plant her fists at her side and give me the look.

It's impossible for me to sleep until I whisper a promise to her that I will give him gas money.

Come Friday, I feel silly as I make sure I have a ten-dollar bill on me. He's probably going to laugh in my face. But it's for my peace of mind. I'll just go up to him before class and hand it over. Then I can go back to ignoring him.

The gas money is taking up too much brain space. Because of the debt, not the person. And it's not until I'm on my way out that I notice the email from the film teacher. I grab my things and rush out the door as soon as I read it.

Some weird clerical error has double booked the lecture hall. And since the film teacher is one of the most relaxed persons I've ever seen, he's assured them that the film class can move to the smaller room nearby.

Except that room is barely big enough for twenty people. So if we want to skip today's class, he won't hold it against us. He'll just send us an email with next week's movie.

D might skip class. The thought hits me and at first I feel relieved. If he isn't there, I can focus on the class. But then I'd have to give him the money tomorrow, at dance class.

I shake my head. No, I'm not disappointed. It doesn't matter if he's there or not. In fact, it's better if he isn't.

As I enter the building, I notice more people than usual. I pass by the usual lecture hall where some people are arguing about who is supposed to be there. There's a note on the door, and I check it quickly to make sure it mentions the same room as in the email. Then I hurry down the hall. I'm sure the people arguing will notice the note soon enough.

I enter the smaller room and look around. There are ten tables just big enough for two taking up most of the space. My eyes instantly find D. He's at a table in the back, an empty chair next to him.

I take a deep breath and head over.

"Ellie?" He raises an eyebrow at me, and I realize it's the first time I've walked up to him outside of dance class.

"I came to thank you." I dig into my pocket for the bill.

"For what?" He smirks and leans back a bit.

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