Chapter 26 - Be the bigger person

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Finals are coming up, and between studying, working, and taking care of Jenna, I have very little time for anything else. D did text me to apologize for the argument, but I didn't know what to say.

On Sunday, he asked if I wanted to watch the movie together, but I told him I was spending the day with Jenna.

He texted me a few more times, but mostly to complain about the amount of studying he had to do for his finals.

I saw him briefly on Friday in film class, and I sat for an hour on Saturday trying to think up what to text him before I headed for work.

I was able to get time off, since most of the customers are students, so the bar is pretty empty during school breaks. But I'm trying to get in a few extra shifts before I leave.

I must have reached for my phone a hundred times, wanting to text him. But the deal was no emotions, and I don't want to seem pushy or take advantage of him. So I put my phone aside and focus on my studies.

I've just finished the first of my finals when I see Victor. I'm sitting alone in the cafeteria enjoying a mediocre chicken cacciatore. He smiles down at me with his tray in hand.

"I haven't seen you in a while. Do you mind if I sit?"

My body immediately says no. I don't want him near me. I shake it off and gesture for him to sit.

"How are your finals?" I ask.

"Bothersome," he sighs. "But let's not talk about school. I'm so sick of that being the main topic around here."

I laugh. "Well, you are at a university. It's pretty much on everyone's mind here."

"Tell me something fun."

"Like what?"

"Like how you'll be spending Christmas. Any chance I'll run into you here on campus?"

I shake my head and swallow another bite. "No, I'll be leaving campus. I'm visiting family. Well, my aunt's new boyfriend."

"Sounds boring."

I shrug. "They tell me I can ski there."

He grimaces. "I hate skiing. I never understood why you would travel somewhere cold when there's always perfect beach weather somewhere."

"You want to spend Christmas on a beach?"

"If I had my way. But I don't."

"Why not?"

"Ever since Dylan Darcy ruined my life, my parents keep a tight lid on the money. My money really, but the way it's set up, I can't even access it."

"I'm sure he didn't mean to ruin your life."

"Oh, he did. He hates me for what I did. And he's such an arrogant, selfish prick, I'd expect nothing more from him."

I chew slowly. "I just can't see him being so mean spirited."

"I thought you didn't know him?"

"I don't, not really. But I've seen him around."

"Well, you're just going to have to trust me on this one. He's pretty good at hiding it, but there isn't a compassionate bone in his body. And if you knew what I know, you'd agree."

I somehow doubt that. Jenna filled me in on the things I didn't remember from the night I got drunk and slept in his bed. And he was respectful the entire night. Maybe he's overcompensating for the way he acted when he was young, but people are allowed to make a mistake. Right?

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