Chapter 19 - To gif or not to gif

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I can't get enough of him. Every time we get together, I can't keep my hands off him. He loves when I run my fingers through his hair. When we're resting in between sessions of mind-blowing sex, he likes to rest his head on my chest and draw little patterns with featherlight fingers on my breasts and stomach.

We meet every Sunday. Either at his place or mine. If I'm not working right after dance class on Saturday, we go somewhere and have sex. Once he drove us to a remote parking spot and we had sex in the backseat of his car.

That was the first time we did it without a condom. We both got tested and I'm on the pill. It was still scary, but so much hotter. There was no reason for it to be erotic, but perhaps it was the extra bit of trust that developed between us.

We've started watching the movie together, and it often gives us some time alone. But when we watch it, we don't sit next to each other.

In public, we barely speak. And when we do, we often argue. He's still arrogant and self-centered. But I've seen the more caring side of him.

He's generous in bed and grateful when I reciprocate. He never expects things of me, or demands. And perhaps our open communication is one reason I keep having so many orgasms.

Dance class is going well. We've found out how well our bodies can work together and it shows when we dance. But I do my best to keep the distance between us. I told him when we started this that I don't want a relationship, and that still stands.

It's Wednesday, and I'm done with classes for the day. As usual, Jenna is waiting for me at Dirty. Sometimes Julian is there as well. I huddle in my jacket when I get there and look around. I'm only looking for Jenna, so it takes me a while to spot her at one of the booths.

She's not alone. Julian is there. Sitting next to her. Two people are sitting opposite them and my heart almost stops when I see D and Mia.

Mia is sitting way too close to D, hanging on to every word he says.

I wave at Jenna and gesture to let her know I'm getting in line. D sits up and looks around. He spots me and I turn away quickly.

We had the talk about being exclusive, and I can't imagine him sleeping with Mia without telling me.

It's the way she's claiming him that bugs me. She acts as if he's her property. It's happened before when she comes to visit. Usually, D tries to stay away from her and it's amusing to watch her chase after him. But they're sitting so close and he's not pushing her away.

I get a coffee and a yogurt bowl and join them. I have the choice of sitting next to Julian or Mia. It takes me much too long to decide and Julian makes room for me, deciding for me.

"How was class?" Jenna asks. "Did you get your assignments back?"

"We did." I open the yogurt bowl.

"And? I know you worked on it for weeks. How did it go?"

I glance up at D. He's suppressing a smirk. Some of that work was actually time spent with him.

"It went well. I got 98."

"That's so good." Jenna is truly excited for me and I instantly feel bad for lying to her.

"D is also really smart," Mia says and places a hand on his shoulder. "He'll be running his dad's company in no time."

I focus on my food.

"What kind of company is it?" Jenna asks.

"Investments." D has his phone out and the conversation dies.

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