Chapter 14 - Weekend plans 1

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She's not there when I get to class. I take my seat in the back and wait. Someone tries to sit next to me, but I glare at them.

It's not a big deal. I don't know why I'm nervous. I've slept with plenty of women before, and I'll sleep with plenty of women after Ellie. But I'm looking forward to it.

When I got her number, I wanted to text her right away. I sat on my bed staring at her number for an hour last night, trying to think of something to say. Then, I took a cold shower.

She appears in the door, and I inhale. She's got her hair in a ponytail and she's wearing ripped jeans and a bulky pale green sweater that falls down over one shoulder. That little bit of exposed skin is making my cock twitch. I want to lick it. I want to kiss my way down her neck. All the way to her shoulder before I unbutton one button and move my mouth down.

I shift in my seat and clear my throat. Ellie is looking around the room. She must know how gorgeous she is. She spots me and my heart skips a beat. I can tell she's hesitating, but she comes to me.

"You didn't text."

Fuck. She was waiting for me. I gesture to the seat next to me.

"Was I supposed to?"

She shakes her head and sits down. "No."

"Let's talk."

She turns slightly to me. "I don't want a relationship."

I nod slowly. "Ok."

She's not meeting my eyes. "It's just been a long time since I had good sex."

I can't help the half smile that takes over my face. "I can help with that."

"You seem awfully sure of yourself."

Her raised eyebrow is a challenge, and I open my mouth to answer, but she beats me to it.

"Oh, that's right. You've had sex with about half the women on campus."

"You've heard about me?"

I don't brag about my sexlife. But I know the women I've been with aren't so discreet. And truth be told, I don't mind. Because I always make sure they have a good time.

Ellie rolls her eyes in the cutest way and I can't help but lean in close.

"Don't worry, I'll make your eyes roll to the back of your head for a different reason soon."

I sit back as the teacher calls the class to order. Ellie shifts in her seat and I get a whiff of her scent. It's light and fruity, but has some dark undertones that beckon me closer.

I take a deep breath and try to focus on the discussion.

Today's discussions could have been about dinosaurs, and I wouldn't have noticed. There are too many unanswered questions. So when the teacher announces a short break, I turn to Ellie.

"What are you doing tonight?"

"I'm working today and tomorrow."

Is it my imagination, or is she blushing?

"Right. At Lucky 13. What about Sunday? You could come over and we could watch the movie together."

She bites her bottom lip. I clench my fist to stop myself from reaching out and running my thumb over it.

"Won't the others think it's strange?"

"I have the house to myself. Julian is taking Jenna to the festival, and I think Winters is trying to impress one of the sorority girls, so he and Knightley will also be at the festival."

"You're not going to the festival?"

"Not my thing. So how about it?"

She nods and I want to jump up and pump my fist in the air.

"Can we also watch the movie? I don't like lying."

I shrug. "Sure."

The teacher returns, and the class continues. I scribble some notes down, but my mind is already on Sunday. It seems so far away. But I don't want to scare her by being too forward. So I stay silent.

When the class is over, Ellie is moving before I have time to ask her anything. I take out my phone and text her as she follows the throng of people toward the door.

Your ass looks great in those pants.

She takes out her phone and reads the message. I see the hint of a smile she suppresses. She turns back to me and rolls her eyes, but there is definitely a smile on her face as she leaves the room.

And on Sunday, that ass will be mine. Holy shit. It hits me all at once. She said yes, and we made a plan. It's happening on Sunday, and I don't think I've ever looked forward to sex this much.

I want to go to Lucky 13 and pull her into a bathroom. I want to pull her out of dance class and fuck her right there in the lounge.

I take a minute before I get up from my seat. My cock is too eager, and I need to find a way to get through dance class tomorrow without coming in my pants.

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