Part 4

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The next day everyone packs to gather their friends to witness the battle. Sapphire remains sleeping in her room in Cullen's house. Jacob walks out of the room with a bag over his shoulder.

"Alright, let us get the show on the road." He trails off when he sees Sam walk toward the house. A white letter in his hands.

"Alice and Jasper crossed over our border last night and asked me to give you this." Everyone gathers outside to hear what Sam has to say.

"Carlisle?" Rosalie asks.

"They left us." A smug feeling rushes over Bella. She knew it was a matter of time before the disgusting monster would be abandoned. Guess now she will run off and die. That beast is no child of hers.

"Why?" Rosalie asks growing defensive. Why would they leave Sapphire alone?

"It doesn't say."

"Can I see that?" Bella steps forward and reads the message. 'Gather as many witnesses as you can. When the snow sticks to the floor, that is when they come.'

"What about Sapphire?" Esme asks concerned about how the young girl will take the news her parents left.

"She got me and she got you guys. She will be fine." Jake steps in putting his own opinion in. Turning to Seth, he says: "Seth, you go with your imprint to talk to the witnesses. I will stay here to look after Sapphire."

"Got it. No problem." Seth grins glad to be able to go somewhere without the pack.

The family left and took turns in gathering witnesses. The first that arrived was the Denalis who also are surprised by Sapphire. They weren't told of her but once Sapphire touched their skin, a bond appears and Sapphire can speak in their minds. More and more Quileutes turned due to the vampires entering the territory. Jacob helped them control their shifting while Leah looked after Sapphire. The two became almost sisters. Leah loved hanging out with Sapphire and grew protective of her. Not to mention when Sapphire shifted into a small puppy, she grew a feeling of motherly love for the girl. Jacob isn't the only wolf that will die to protect the hybrid.

Sapphire stands in her owl form on a branch as Renesmee meets Benjamin who can control the elements. She observes him create a small hurricane in her sister's hand and make it fly. Benjamin notes her owl form, staring at him. What catches his attention are the two different colored eyes. He lifts an arm and she glides down. Rubbing her beak on his skin, a bond forms.

'Hello,' Benjamin gawks at the owl. 'I am Sapphire Cullen. I am the other hyrbid. My ability is to shift into animals and speak into people's minds along with reading your thoughts. I hope you don't mind?'

"Not at all." Sapphire flaps suddenly in the tree hearing branches break. The cold draft falling on her form informs her that danger is near. Not to mention the growling she hears from Jacob. She lands on the branch when two vampires land on a big rock. She glides to another branch to listen closely and see if they are friends or foes.

"Stefan, Vladimir, you are a long way from home." Carlisle runs over and greets the two vampires.

"We heard the Volturi are moving against you."

"We didn't do what we were accused of."

"We do not care what you did Carlisle." the snow-haired vampire says looking bored.

"We have waited a millennium for the Italian scum to be challenged." Sapphire tilts her head finding them intriguing. Sapphire glides down and lands on the shoulder of the white-haired vampire. Both vampires look at the owl between them, finding it odd how it has two colored eyes. "Who might you be?"

The Muted Queen (Volturi Kings)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang