Part 10

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Caius brings Sapphire to the kitchen and does not drop the grin off his face as she points to things and talks about the colors and decor. The castle is of alabaster and cement, marble; all the things that scream king.

'oh, i love those flowers. They have white inside and pink on the ends.' Their company enjoys the show of the queen excitement hearing her chat nonstop till they reach the kitchens.

'Oh wow!' Jacob chuckles at the puppy eyes filled with awe you see in cartoons when Sapphire looks at the huge kitchen. 'This is half a size of a ballroom! Do you think i can bake here some time. Grandma Esme taught me how to bake.'

"Of course you can bake and do whatever you want here love." Aro says stadning beside his gushing and jumping mate.

'Yay! Now i know what to do.' Sapphire slips out of Caius arms and run to the fridge picking things up not seeing the human behind her.

"My queen," Sapphire freezes turning with wide eyes. Glancing to her mates, they are relaxed making her relax.

'Who is this?'

"Sapphire, this is Castel. He is the chef of the castle and cooks anything."

'Even a grilled cheese?

"Yes, mia amore, even a simple grilled cheese." Aro chuckles answering.

'I want to see it.' Castel looks at the kings and the queen's facial expression shifts to thinking than to happiness.

"Castel, the queen is a mute but her abilities allow her to speak in our minds," Marcus explains to the confused human.

The queen reaches her hand out to shake with Castel. A soft presence enters his mind before a soft kind of voice filters into his brain.

'Hello Castel, you can call me Emerald. Not many call me that and since I know we will be great friends, you may call me that.'

"As you wish my queen Emerald." Castel smiles and hands him the required ingredients. Castel nods getting to work while Sapphire skips to the seat next to Jacob.

'Oh and two sandwiches for my friend Jake and Leah. Leah!' Castel flinches at the high scream in his mind and chuckles when the queen runs to wrap her arms around the female werewolf's neck.

"Sleep well?" Leah asks smiling.

'Yeah, and you have to test with me if Castel sandwiches are the same as mine.'

"Taste testing, best afternoon ever." Everyone chuckles and sits around the table. Sapphire turns her head and straightens up noticing the kings are standing beneath an arch.

'What are you three doing?'

"Apologies love but we made the rule that no vampire may step foot in the kitchen to protect and make the humans at ease."

'But I am a half-vampire and I am allowed?'

"We know you won't harm the humans." Sapphire pouts but shrugs and watches Castel flip the flat cheese sandwich. she caught him putting butter first in the pan making her salivate. She spread the butter already on the bread before putting the sandwich on the grill.

"My kings, there are some matters you must attend to." A guard comes to announce.

"Please excuse us, love. Demetri, Jane watches them." Caius says before following his brothers.

Castel finishes and gives the plates to the werewolf and half-human. They all take a bite at the same time and the queen's eyes sparkle.

'This. Is. The. Best!' Castel nods leaving them to eat.

"It is good but even if it is, yours will always be my favorite because it is made by you," Jake says with a lovestruck smile.

'Awe. You are adorable.' Leah, Demetri, and Jane laugh at Jake's pout.

"I am not. I am hot."

'I know already your body temperature.' Demetri bursts laughing rolling on his back at the deadpanned expression.

"Where is that bitch!" Everyone straightens and turns serious upon hearing the woman's voice. Jane and Demetri stand guard hearing the heels down the hall marching toward them.

'Who is that?' Jacob growls and Leah stands from their chair becoming the second shield to the threat walking their way. A female vampire in a dress showing a bit too much cleavage appears and fixes her glare on Sapphire.

"Hmph, you are the bitch that is stealing my husband." Sapphire blinks confused.


"What have you got to say for yourself?"

'Um, can someone explain to her I need to touch her hand to speak with her?

"So you think you can just manipulate all the guards and not talk to me?" the woman is taking the silence the wrong way.

"The queen cannot speak. She can only speak in people's minds." Jane explains.

"Ha, hahahahahaha, you are pathetic. You won't last sweetie. I am the rightful queen of Volterra and in case you weren't told. My husband is Aro so keep your puny hands off him."

'Aro...' Sapphire feels her heart pulse in pain. Why did he not tell her about this?

"And stay away from Caius because he is taken as well by a better queen than you, Sulpicia and yes, she can rock the bed better than you."

'Rock the bed? what does she mean?' Jacob and the guard are glad Sapphire does not know more about the dark world.

'Nothing, Sapphire.' Jacob tells her in her mind not moving his gaze off the vile vampire cursing at his imprint.

"Ta, deary." Sapphire tilts her head confused about what the woman is possibly trying to do.

'Who was that?'

"That was Aro's wife Sulpicia. I must inform the masters about them. Do not worry Sapphire, you are safe." Demetri says before disappearing to talk to the master.

'I do not understand. If they already have a queen then why am i here? Am i a joke?' Jacobs eyes darken and he turns to look at Leah. Heat waves are already flying off her body.

"Sapphire, you are not a joke. That woman was just trying to intimidate you. you are the king's mate. There is a difference between mate and wife. One is a soul bond and the other is just a piece of paper. Athenadora is the piece of paper." Jane explains wishing to use her powers on the annoying bitch of a queen.

Sapphire does not feel comforted by how they said it. Turning, she finishes her food remaining silent and expressionless. Jake calms down to not scare his imprint but he will make sure that woman wishes she was never born. Leah needed Jane to hold her hand to calm her down.

Sapphire on the other hand is not feeling right anymore. No longer feeling the castle is home. She wants her mother and father. Getting off the table, she walks out of the kitchen, and through Jane's memory, she finds her room. She grabs the phone on the desk and calls her mother.

"Hello, Alice Cullen speaking."

"Hey mom, can dad meet me at the airport? I want to come home." She says in a hushed whisper so no one can hear. 

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