Part 11

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"Sapphire! Sapphire, can I come in?" Jake knocks on her door. He tilts his head not hearing anything. Going into his room and to the secret door, he finds it locked. narrowing his eyebrows, he sends a mental sorry to Aro before breaking the door down. "Sapphire!"

His eyes sweep across the room and find the window open with the wind blowing in. Walking forward, he sniffs the air and finds her scent faint. His eyes widen, and he fears what is staring at him in the face. Sapphire left.

"Leah!" Jake runs to his pack member room.

"What is going on Jake?" Jake pushes the image of Jane in a crop top and her underwear with Jane in the room covered under the bed to the back of his head. He has more important things to think about than that horrible image.

"Sapphire is gone." Leah and Jane's eyes widen.

"Give me a second." Leah closes the door and Jake hears shuffling before the two girls walk out.

"What do you mean she is gone?"

"She left. Her scent is faint by the window."

"Maybe she went for a walk." Leah is hoping for the idea of her running away is not true.

"Without one of us to guide her around. She does not know Italy because she arrived and was asleep." Jake gritted his teeth feeling their imprint bond stretch. His eyes widen upon the implications. "She has returned home."

"What? This is her home."

"I know but Forks is also her home as well." Leah and Jane's eyes widen upon hearing those words.

"Jake, did you break down the door? what is wrong with you?" Caius' voice freezes their bodies before the vampire's face flashed in his mind. He connects the dots and now is growling at the king.

"Why did you not tell us you had a wife?" Leah grabs Jake's arm to hold him back even if she is not in the best shape with her teeth bared.

"How did you know that?"

"Caius, Sulpicia came to the kitchen and told Sapphire that Aro and you are married. Sapphire thinks she is some joke being used by you." Caius freeze and does not move. The words move through thick honey in his mind. When it finally registered, he is moving to his mate's room and found what Jake already found.

"What is going on? where is Sapphire?" Aro and Marcus join the party.

"Sulpicia told Sapphire you and Caius are married. She left back to Forks." Jake hisses through his teeth. His wolf is not happy with the vampires.

"Shit!" Caius punches the wall angry with himself for not dealing with the vampire women. He believed they would leave peacefully but apparently not.


Sapphire stares out the window of the plane as they enter Forks airport. She has sorrow weighing on her shoulders and head. They lied to her. They did not tell her they are married. The image in her head burning through her memory of how happy she was to be with them. Guess she was a joke to them. A pet she presumes.

Walking down the stairs, she looks around and does not find her father yet. Going deeper in the airport, she turns smelling someone else's scent. Following the scent, she stares at the lean form of her real father. Edward with Renesmee. Edward eyes find hers and he offers a small smile. Sapphire walks with long strides and wrap her arms around Renesmee.

"Hey sis." Sapphire digs her head in her neck basking in the hug.

'Hey.' She allows the tears to fall needing all the comfort in the world for how painful the experience was. Pulling away, she hugs Edward not caring about the feud or whatever. She does not care period.

"I volunteered to come pick you up." Saphire nods at the unspoken question to why Jasper is not here. "Come on, everyone is waiting."

Walking around the car, she slips in beside Renesmee in the back and sink in the seat. She caught the whiff of the guard but she ignores it. They too lied to her. They withheld the truth and probably went along with the joke.

"Sapphire, you are not a joke." She narrows her eyes and turns her head away. Edward sighs knowing she is stubborn like Bella. He drives home and braces for what will happen with Bella.

It is only when Sapphires notices Edward turning down an unfamiliar path does she become alert. Where is he taking them? Parking in front of a house, she gets out and smells their scent. This is Edward and Bellas private house.

'What am i doing here?' Sapphire stays grounded on the spot glaring at Edward.

"Just come in first." She sighs not feeling much like arguing and walk inside. Their scents growing stronger and she turns her head seeing Bella. She has a sympathetic expression on and hesitate to go and hug her.

"Sapphire, please." She walks over hesitantly but accept the hug. Her body braces for an attack but when Bella remains calm, Sapphire tightens her arms around her. 

"Let us sit and talk." Edward speaks softly knowing Sapphire is in a shattered state. He does not want to push her or else the bond won't be strengthened.

Bella leads Sapphire on the couch and keep an arm on her shoulders. Sapphire stares into the fireplace trying to block out the kings and guard and even Jake. Did he know too? Did he come along to laugh when it is revealed she is just a toy?

"Sapphire, i can guarantee Jake did not know about the wives." Sapphire eyes look over to Edward. "The kings did ask for the wives to leave but the wives stayed unbeknowst to the kings or anyone."

'You seem to know already. Why did you not say anything? Call us and warn me.' Sapphire narrows her eyes at Edward.

"Even I thought the wives left peacefully. I do not keep my mind expanded to everyone." Edward explains rubbing his hand together.

Sapphire glance at Bella then to the ground with a frown on her face. All this still does not help her one bit. The kings still withheld the truth, the guard did not tell her, she was kept in the dark. What did they expect of her? to play pretend they loved her when they go behind her back and spent time with their wives. The word 'wives' send a foul taste in her mouth.

"At least you have us." Sapphire look at Bella and gets up scoffing.

'Yeah, that helps me alot.' Sapphire speaks in her mind finally bonding since the hug allowed her skin to skin contact creating a line to her. Walking to the door, she slam it closed behind her before speeding over to the Cullens.

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