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Marinette's POV

Lila Rossi smirked when she came into school today, practically skipping to class.

So much for her ankle injury she had gotten falling down the stairs yesterday, the very same injury that stopped her from participating in PE.

Something definitely was up.

Chloe noticed it too, and nudged Adrien, alerting him of a possible threat.

Chloe unwrapped a piece of gum, popping in her mouth to chew, while writing a note on the wrapper.

Adrien reads it, and pretending to stretch, passes it back to me.

Prepare for an akuma.

"Welcome students to another day of class. Lila had an announcement for class today," Mrs. Bustier said, moving to the side to make room for her student.

"Thank you Mrs. Bustier. I had the best idea. As class president, I decided we should do a dance! So, to celebrate end of exams and the holidays, we'll be doing a Winter Ball!" Lila announces.

Chloe looks at Lila dumbfounded, while Adrien just shrugs. Maybe Lila was a teenager at heart, who enjoyed having fun and experiences.

... is what I would say if I was a mindless sheep like the rest of the class.

"Actually that was my idea—," Rose starts, but she silences herself. Her usual gleaming smile fades, and she curls into herself. Juleka notices his, and holds her hand underneath the seats. Rose perks back to her usual self in a heart beat.

Mylene raises her hand, "So it's going to be with the other senior classes at school?"

Lila says, "Of course! The more the merrier. We'll have to make decorations after school, and help set up, and Nino can DJ."

"Actually, I'm going out of town to visit my grandparents right after exams, so I can't go," Nino speaks up.

Alya turns to her boyfriend, "Come on Nino. Just wait a day, DJ and go to the dance with me, and then you can go visit your grandparents."

"Fine," Nino says, not looking to start a fight with his girlfriend.

Lila claps her hands nervously, "Oh! And before I forget, Mr. Agreste has so generously offered to rent out the Louvre for our senior class to enjoy!"

"He has?" Adrien asks. "I haven't heard anything from my father."

"He told me to tell you before school, but you know, it just slipped my mind. You know with my early onset Alzheimer's, I get constant headaches."

Max furrows his eyebrows, "I thought you had headaches because of your head injury from saving Jagged Stone's cat?"

"Oh yeah, that too. I'm always in pain, luckily I have you guys to cheer me up." Lila lies.

Max smiles at her, but doesn't look convinced.

I look at Max. Were Lila's lies catching up to her?

Mrs. Bustier takes back command of her classroom, "Thank you Lila. Now class, let's focus extra hard so you guys don't have homework today. We'll being our lesson with Joan of Arc..."

I turn back to my sketchbook, because Uncle Jagged asked me if I would make some leather boots for him, and Luka asked if I would make a personalized leather jacket for him.

My style as MDC was so different than what they usually asked for, it took me a moment for me to come up with a good idea.

The school day was over, and per usual, I hadn't learned anything.

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