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Damian's POV

I think I had ruined my relationship with Marinette, and I didn't know how to fix it. Even worse, Father had left a message for me and Grayson, saying our presence was required at the next Justice League meeting. Which was conveniently, right at this moment, only the day after our fight with the akumatized villain.

Grayson looked at me, and said, "You don't have to come tonight. Technically, you're still apart of the Team and the Young Justice."

I assure him, "I'm going Grayson. I won't let you take all of the blame." Or the credit if things go well.

He nods, putting on his mask, and I follow his example. We sneak out way to the Boom Tube in Paris, and plug in the coordinates to the Watchtower. This time, Nightwing steps in first, and then I follow into the Boom Tube.

We step into the Boom Tube, and out to the.

We walk the familiar hall, and I stare down at Earth below. It doesn't feel like we're in space.

Grayson walks with such confidence, a spring is always in his step, but this time, he walks normally. I worried what this meant for us, and our mission.

We walked past the Trophy Room, and into the Main Hall.

There, sat the members of the Justice League at a long oval table.

It's was to be intimidated at so many heroes in the room, but there's a reason why Father has so many contingency plans.

At the head of the table, sits Batman. Superman is at his right, and Wonder Woman is by his left. Aquaman is sitting next to her, as anger haunts their eyes. Other members at the meeting are the Flash, Atom, Martian Manhunter, Black Canary, and Green Arrow. Most are missing, either off world or dealing with situations of their own.

We sit in two of the chairs at the table, directly across from Aquaman and Wonder Woman.

This was not going to go over well.

Father doesn't even look at us, as he says, "Wonder Woman and Aquaman have the floor for today's meeting. "

In the blink of an eye, Diana is out of her seat, pouding her fists on the table. "Really, Batman? That's all you have to say?"

He looks at her, glaring as usual, but he doesn't say a word.

Wonder Woman scoffs, "We told you about the situation in Paris, and the reasons we couldn't interfere. There's a reason we have the Justice League, and we have trust among heroes. And yet, Nightwing and Robin are frolicking about, dealing with magic they do not understand." She pounds the table again out of anger, and it shakes.

At yet, we've been there for 4 months without detection.

Aquaman rests his hand on Wonder Woman's forearm, so he can have a chance to speak. "The magic that she speaks about is the same magic that sent Atlantis into the depths of the oceans. This is not something to trifle with." He says, looking at Grayson and me.

Nightwing clears his throat, "I understand the situation in Paris, but they asked for our help. Ladybug, Chat Noir, and Princess Honey are young heroes, who need guidance. It is dangerous for us to help with Hawkmoth on the loose, but—"

Flash raises his hand and asks, "Who's Hawkmoth?"

Superman sighs, "Barry, did you not read the brief from last May?"

In a streak of lightning, he leaves the room, probably to read the brief, and the comes back. He sits in his chair, feet on top of the table, crossed, one over the other. "My bad. Please continue." He says, waving a hand. I roll my eyes at his lack of preparation.

"Not only is Hawkmoth at play, but the Black Mask is also working with him. It is our responsibility to bring him, at least, back to Gotham." Nightwing argues.

Wonder Woman states, "I have faith in Ladybug and her team. They could find a way to defeat him without you."

I wonder if Wonder Woman knows Ladybug's true identity, by the way she describes the heroine. She knows the magic that surrounds the heroes, the one I feel like is so familiar to me.

"They need help. Their mentor died, and it's three high school students," Grayson points out.

Silence enshrouds the room, as no one wants to get on Wonder Woman's or Aquaman's bad side, but Paris may need more help than initially thought.

One breaks the silence.

"You pull out of Paris. If not, I will drag you to Gotham myself." Aquaman vows.

Wonder Woman agrees, "As will I." Whispers break across the room, showing how serious she is. I know that Diana will go through with her threats.

Then I remember Ladybug's words, and how she knows Wonder Woman's true identity. As one last resort to keep us in Paris, I say, "Ladybug said to tell your mother that Tikki says hello."

She freezes, and turns to me. "How do you know that name?"

"As I said, Ladybug told me," I reiterate, and Nightwing elbows me because I am being disrespectful.

Wonder Woman watches me, and sighs. Diana knows that we know. She turns to Aquaman who nods.

It's almost as if they're telepathic, and I turn to Martian Manhunter, seeing if the League is talking and keeping Nightwing and I out of it.

"They can stay in Paris," Wonder Woman begins, "Until the end of the year. No one else enters, or leaves from the League. You stay there until your mission is complete. No trips back and forth, or else the League of Villains will catch on. You understand?" She clarifies.

"Yes, Wonder Woman. We won't let you down," Grayson promises to the League.

"Good. Don't be careless, the Miraculous are worth more than you could possibly imagine." Wonder Woman says, losing her battle. But she will fulfill her promises if we do not deliver.

What did she mean by the Miraculous? And why do I feel as though I've heard that phrase before?

Aquaman looks each of us in the eye. "We know of your skill, and Batman has trained you well. But there are deadly consequences for the world if the Miraculous fall into the wrong hands."

Martian Manhunter speaks up, "For the universe."

This is bigger than I initially thought, and I cannot wait to rub Jon's, Drake's and Todd's faces.

With a nod from Father, we are dismissed, leaving us with more questions than answers, and a deadline.

We needed to find the Black Mask and Hawkmoth, and fast.


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