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Marinette's POV

"It didn't work," I thought out loud, astounded. Nothing had ever stopped the Miraculous magic.

Before Winter Rose can hit Princess Honey with ice to make her a popsicle, I swing in and carry her away.

"It was about time you got here," Chloe huffed, but holding her Venom away from me. "Did you see that?" She asked.

"I did," I told her, and then I set her on the ground behind a building.

"Is that supposed to happen?" Princess Homey asks, but we all know the answer.

"No. I wonder if this is why Hawkmoth is working with the Black Mask."

A third voice enters the conversation, "It very well might be."

"Nightwing," I recognize, and watch as Robin comes into view. "Robin," I acknowledge.

Chat Noir falls into the alley, landing on his hands and feet. "What's the plan?" He asks, his cheeks red from the freezing air.

"I don't have any power ups, I haven't gotten the ingredients for the theee of us, so we'll have to go without them." I state ashamed.

"Power ups?" Nightwing asks.

Chat about says, "We'll explain later. We don't have time."

"I can see any object on her that would cause an akuma, it must be in the mask. It's going to make it hard for us to get up that close without being hit and frozen by her powers," I analyze.

"And my Venom doesn't work, making it useless."

"We need a distraction," Robin chimes in.

"You're right," Chat Noir agrees with him.

"I can be a distraction with Chat Noir," Nightwing volunteers.

"Perfect. Princess Homey and Robin can hold her down, and I'll destroy and purify the akuma," I tell everyone the plan.

"Tt. And who are you to tel me what to do?"

Princess Honey opens her mouth, but I raise my hand to stop her. "I'm sorry, I'm Ladybug. Paris is protected by three heroes, while Gotham has practically a dozen. I think we know what we're doing by now." I tell him.

Robin scoffs again, but stays silent.

"Oooo burn," Chat Noir says, capitalizing on my victory with Robin.

Nightwing gives his protege of sorts a stern look, before saying, "It's go time."

Nightwing climbs up the side of the building, racing to the rooftops, Chat Noir on his tail.

Princess Honey's clip begins beeping. "I have to go, but I'll be back in a buzz." She runs to go feed Pollen and retransform, leaving me stuck with Robin.

"Come on," I instruct him. "We got to go before she finds us first."

Robin draws his katana from behind his back, "Too late for that."

Barely dodging a blast of ice, I turn to find Winter Rose grinning upon our discovery.

"The early bird gets the worm. Or the bug in this case," Winter Rose chuckles evilly. "Hand over your Miraculous, Ladybug, before I encase you in ice forever."

I don't even give her the respect of words, as I throw my yo-yo at her, hitting her arm. It cracks, and she howls from pain.

Robin and I quickly run out of the alley, and Winter Rose freezes the cracks with her other arm.

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