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Marinette's POV

Based on what had happened yesterday between Lila, Damian, and I, it would be stupid of me to not research the sensitive topic of 'Lily Ross'.

And unfortunately, nothing showed up. There was no Lily Ross that lived in Paris. Or France for that matter. It seemed like a common name, but apparently, it wasn't. My frustration only grew the longer I researched, and I found that I had stayed up the whole night.

I groaned, because I knew it was about to be a very long day. Begrudgingly, I got ready for school anyway.

When my alarm went off, and Tikki immediately flew out of the mini bed I made for her. I turned it off, and Tikki gave me an odd look as she was still waking up herself.

"Marinette? Is something wrong?" Tikki asks me, flying closer. There was no use in lying, or hiding the bags under my eyes, I knew she would see it all. "Marinette, this isn't healthy—"

"Tikki, I'm fine. I'll sleep after school, I can't miss today, I have that test for English."

Tikki gives me a glare, and sighs, "Marinette. You can't take care of other people if you can't take care of yourself."

"I know Tikki. I know." I say softly, and my kwami realizes that she may have pushed me too far. For the rest of the morning as I get prepare, she gives me space. When I'm ready to go to school, I wave her over, and she flies into my purse. I grab an energy drink, and a croissant for breakfast, which my mother gives me a glare that rivals Tikki's.

Damian is waiting in the warm cafe, with his usual tea. He doesn't give me an odd look for my food of choice, which I mentally thank him for. I needed some normalcy.

"Ready to go?" He asks, and I nod. We leave the bakery, and enter the winter chill. I still feel exhausted, like I'm about to pass out at any moment.

We're near the entrance of Francis-Dupont, when I stop in my tracks. People move around me, and Damian turns around, confused by my actions.

But before he could ask me a question, I told him, "I need a minute, I'll meet you inside." His lips slightly slanted down, but he gave me a stern nod, heading into the high school.

I had to wake up, or I'm sure that Mrs. Bustier would give me detention for sleeping in her class again. Hopefully the freezing air would help me stay awake.

The warning bell rang, and I started to walk to class. And right before I entered the classroom, a hand pulled me aside, and further into the hallway. 

I really hope it's not Lil—

"Chloe, you scared me," I said, holding a palm to my chest, trying to calm my heart as I recognized the familiar blonde.

My heart dropped as I thought for a moment, I thought she was Lila. I didn't even tell Chloe, or Adrien the extent that the liar bullied me. They had their own problems, and I couldn't be another burden to them. I had to be strong.

"I'm sorry Mari, but this was important," she says, only half-apologetically.

I raised an eyebrow, "More important than getting to class on time?"

"Yes, Marinette. It was an emergency." Chloe says in urgency.

"What?" I panicked.

Chloe took my hands in hers, and said, "We haven't hung out in months."

"I saw you last night," I retorted, slipping my hands out of hers.

"No, outside of our job. The last time we really hung out, was the night before school started." Chloe pointed out to me.

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