"Reminiscence" Ch. 1-14

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[Isaac POV]
I was on Scott's house, we were watching a movie on his bed, yet i was not putting attention to the movie at all, i was thinking...

Scott seemed to notice it.

Scott: "Babe, you good? You aren't really watching the movie."

Isaac: "I'm just thinking..."

Scott: "What's on your mind?"

I sighed, it was gonna be a quite long story.

Isaac: "I was remembering, my old school, the one i got bullied on."

Scott: "I'm listening."

I looked at him, feeling happy and warm.

Isaac: "See, i was 13 by then..."

[Isaac POV, 2 years ago]

I was on eight grade, not the best time to say the least, i had a girl who was my friend so i wasn't that lonely, if i remember correctly i already came out to my parents, but i haven't told anyone on school apart of Monika, the friend i told you about.

Someone may have overheard from a talk with Monika that i liked a boy on a higher level, and everything... Turned sour since then, everyone started to know, it was fucking terrible being at, it was that time i started... With the self harm thing, guess i'm kinda an idiot for listening to those bullies.

I remember so much the words they said:

"You're such a fag!", "Ew don't get close to me!", "So disgusting!", "He's gonna fall in love with us!" "Such a gay nerd!"

It's still so vivid how they treated me, they started abusing physically of me, kicking me and punching me all the time, locking me in closets, sending me fake love letters, the tipical bullying you'd imagine a gay boy on eight grade would get.

I was constantly coming back home with black eyes, bruises and i went school with wrist cuttings, Monika really helped me get over that phase, if it wasn't by her... I probably wouldn't have lasted enough, and i'd have been... Dead long ago, she was the only that truly cared for me, her and her boyfriend, which i didn't know enough to become a friend with.

On that time lapse i had suicidal thoughts several times, i kinda tried to cut myself deeper than usual, or tried to get a rope... I just couldn't get to do it.

Oh boy the things i would've missed if i didn't have Monika by my side then.

That's kinda the story of what was my life before... Before you, Scott. You also saved my life, i would have died already if it wasn't by your support and love.

[End Of Isaac's Narration]

Scott: "Geez, babe that's terrible, you've been so endurant, you shouldn't have gone through all of that."

Isaac: "I know, atleast i can be happier now, i've got you, i've got friends... It's what i always wanted."

Scott: "Why, it's nothing babe."

Isaac: "... When i said you saved my life, i said it seriously, if it wasn't by the thought... Of you getting to see me... Dead... I would have surrended... Specially since you helped me get over the starting bullying wlth Mathew and his friends."

Scott: "Welp, if that makes you feel better, i was getting sick of the same routines all the time, you changed that."

Isaac: "I didn't know... Thanks."

Scott: "Thanks to you!"

We both laughed for a while

Scoot: "Oops, the movie is over, did you like it?"

Isaac: "You know i only watched half of the beggining."

Scott: "Yeah, yeah i forgot."

Isaac: "It's getting late, but i don't want to go..."

Scott: "You could move here with me!"

Isaac: "You know that's a terrible idea."

Scott: "Welp, what about a slumber party or something?"

Isaac: "But i don't have my pajamas!"

Scott: "You can borrow ones, bigger clothings are comfy you know."

Isaac: "Kay, kay, i'll just notify my mom"

Scott: "Okay then!"

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