Chapter 34

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Chapter 34
Arwen lay in an abyss of darkness.

Voices above her were muffled like she was underwater, and the light creaking of floorboards signalled movement. She lay on her back, hands on her stomach, playing with a simple gem ring. It was claustrophobic and had taken her a while to still her fidgeting, but it would all be worth it in the end.

She waited a few more minutes, until a small whisper from Rhys came into her mind and Arwen shot up.

Her upper body flung through the floorboards of the town house, a ghastly cry making her throat itch. Cassian, who was standing just inches in front of where she appeared, screamed. He leapt towards the roof, booted feet thudding heavily back against the floor and laughter from around them ensued.

Azriel leant against the sitting room’s wall, head resting back with a loose grin and silent laughter racking his shoulders. A black sweater covered his arms, sinking down into trousers just as dark. Rhysand and Mor sat on the lounge, their crowing laughter uninhibited. Amren who elegant draped herself across the single-seater, offered a mildly amused tip in one corner of her mouth.

Cassian nothing, his lips tightly sealed as his chest rose in a long draw of air. Arwen grinned up at him. He pointed at her, saying nothing as red flushed across his cheeks and ears, then turned around and walked back towards the main hall.

“Cassian!” she drew out in a chuckle as he strode away, wings tight to the back that faced her. The others only laughed harder at his reaction. Arwen giggled and pushed to her feet, the floorboards around her knees. Unable to return to normal inside, she waded through the floor of the house to the dark street outside.

Closing her eyes, she imagined Amren standing in front of her—threatening her with the stone to return to her tangible body. There was nothing to feel, nothing to sense. But when Arwen opened her eyes, she knew. Placing the ring back on, she darted inside.

Cassian stood in the kitchen, one hand on the bench, the other on his hip. Still grinning, there was no falter in her step as she went to him. “Happy birthday. I did promise you a surprise this morning.”

He shook his head. “I’m not talking to you.” He too was wearing a nice, dark collared shirt and pants. Although his hair was unbrushed, it was loose and relatively tame.

“I think you put a hole in the ceiling with how high you jumped.”

His lips rolled inwards, turning his head away from her. They were preparing for a night out at Rita’s, and by Cassian’s demand, to get so drunk they don’t even remember it in the morning. Arwen decided that she wouldn’t drink too much, intending to remember his scream until the end of time.

“I’m not talking to you,” he repeated.

“Come on!” She lugged his arm over her shoulder to her front and tugged him out of the kitchen. “If we wait any longer, Mor is going to have a conniption.”

Eventually, they made it out of the door and decided to take the long way to Rita’s by walking. Cassian continued to ignore her, which only brought her more entertainment with his methods, even managing as she hung from the back of his neck.

“I’m not sure how we’re all going to get home,” Azriel said to her as they walked behind the other four. “I’m not sure how we do on any of our birthdays actually.” Arwen made a snorting sound of agreement and folded her arms against the cooling night’s breeze. It would be muggy inside Rita’s once they were there, so she hadn’t bothered bringing a coat. “I haven’t seen that dress in a while.”

She looked down at herself. The silver dress had a fitted bodice and loose skirt with a slit up to her mid-thigh. The back was made of three thin strands from either side weaving over each other, leaving the span of her back on display. Rhysand hadn’t asked about it either, but the look he gave her when she came down from her room was enough for her to nod at.

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