Chapter 4: Fighting Fire with Fire

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Firefly's sword dulled and she sighed.

After the battle, she'd gotten a call from her father. He was giving her updates about the war on Zenthara. Needless to say, things weren't going very well. Not much had changed though, other than their ever-rising casualty count.

The Autobots on Earth clearly weren't doing very well either, and Firefly wondered if there was a planet in all the galaxy where the Autobots were winning. At the rate things were going now, Zenthara would be destroyed before the war was over. Just like Cybertron and countless other unfortunate planets caught in the crossfire of the two accursed cybertronian battlefronts.

She scowled and put her sword away before heading back inside. If only her father hadn't liked the Autobots so much, they wouldn't even be in this war. Zenthara's core temperature could be raised high enough that any bot who approached it melted.

But he offered Autobots refuge on her home world and refused to send them into the vastness of space. He was too kind—too naive.

And now her people were dying for it.

Firefly entered the base and looked around, frowning when she noticed how quiet it was. She had nothing to do, just like them, and it was infuriating.

Was she just supposed to sit here, while Zenthara was under seige?

"So you're the new alien."

Firefly turned as she was approached by a blackened man. He had a deep frown on his face as he walked over.

"I suppose so." Firefly replied, looking down to see him, as the man was almost two feet shorter than her. "And you are?"

"Human." He crossed his arms. "Special Agent William Fowler."

"Ah." Firefly didn't know what he was talking about. "What planet are you from?"

He glared. "This one."

Firefly had a double take. "Oh, sorry, I didn't realize your people were shaped and colored so diversely."

"Are you calling me fat and black?" Fowler demanded.

"You aren't black." Firefly blinked. "You're brown... right?"

Optimus cleared his throat. "Excuse her, Agent Fowler. Firefly's people don't have as much diversity as humans. She does not mean to insult you."

Firefly frowned. "What did I say wrong?"

The Prime leaned down slightly. "The people of Earth are very self-conscious about how they look."

"And we're otherwise-conscious about aliens vistors." Fowler crossed his arms and glared at Optimus. "Why didn't you tell me about this type of alien?"

"Did you expect me to tell you about every lifeform I know about?"

Ratchet scoffed. "Optimus's processor is so full of scrap, he'd be telling you about 'aliens' even after you're long dead."

"Okay, alright. Fine." Fowler blew a raspberry. "Just tell me your abilities."

Firefly frowned. "Specifically, what abilties?"

"The ones that I don't have!" He exclaimed, looking irked.

Firefly took a step back, cautiously. "Temperature altering."

He stood there for a minute, as if he was expecting more, but Firefly just stared at him. "What about the fireball thing?"

"Oh, that's my sword." Firefly patted the sheath. "I can't do anything with fire and such on my own."

Fowler held out his hand. "Let me see it."

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