Chapter 14: All Hope is Lost

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Once the people of Hailso were safe and secured, Firefly and her father were able to sneak away from prying eyes to his quarters.

The man, the great lord of Zenthara, flopped onto his hammock, rolled over, fell out, and then looked at Firefly as if he'd done it all on purpose. She laughed lightly and sat down next to him.

"So..." he nudged her a little, "how was Earth?"

Firefly slouched, "Not great."

Sundaze frowned, "Care to elaborate?"

Sighing, Firefly explained to him the latest events that had occured. How the Autobots there had lost the Omega Lock, then each other because they had to split up, and then... they lost Optimus. He'd blown up right in front of her eyes. The Autobots probably had no idea.

Considering how cruel and heartless Megatron was, he'd probably hang the Prime's parts around his new fortress or melt it down into a sword that he planned to use to kill the remaining cybertronians on Earth right after he told them what he'd done.

It was sickening to think about. The warlord was sickening. He was evil incarnate and Firefly hated him with a passion.

"Be a little optimistic, kid." Her dad wrapped an arm around her shoulders, "At least you are back home."

Firefly nodded, "Yeah... I'm the only one."

Sundaze sighed, "I am very sorry about your friends, Firefly. If there was anything we could do to help them, I would, but we simply have no means of reaching Earth from here."

"I know." Firefly looked down, "There is no way to help them now. We should focus on Zenthara."

Someone began to bang on the door, causing the two of them to jump up, "Lord Sundaze! Lady Firefly!"

Firefly's father pulled open the doors quickly, "What is it?"

"You asked me to let you know if the Autobots made any progress with the officer they captured." The warrior reminded him, "Well, they did."

"What did they find out?" He asked.

The warrior shook his head, "They don't know. He was speaking ancient Zentaric."

"The officer was a Decepticon, right?" Firefly frowned in confusion, "Since when do cybertronians know even modern Zentaric?"

"It wasn't a cybertronian." The warrior told her.

Firefly took double, "Wait, since when do we have enemies that aren't Decepticons?"

The warrior looked at Firefly's father and furrowed his brows, "Does she not know?"

"Know what?"

"Hold on." The man closed the door and looked at Firefly, pained.

Firefly searched her father's eyes, "You've been keeping secrets?"

He sighed, "You were on another world, little blaze. I didn't want to worry you or put you in danger. You're reckless when you get scared."

"Worry me about what?" She demanded.

"Firefly." Sundaze breathed in deeply, "Dærkishman the Outcast has returned."

Firefly's heart stopped.

"What." Her eye twitched. "But he physically cannot find our location."

He pursed his lips, "We still don't know how he managed to."

Firefly shook her head, "This isn't possible. Our magic prohibits it."

"You know I'd never joke about him."

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