Chapter 6: "One more fight"

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The next few days were going well and I started feeling more like myself again. Another two weeks passed and I was back into troublemaker mode.

It was now the last week of October and I've been behaving for too long so Izzy, Ed and I decided that we should do something to shake things up but we weren't sure what. I got ready for school and got there 10 minutes earlier, I was in an awful mood already, I hate Mondays. As I was walking in the hallway I noticed two younger guys looking at me and giggling.

-"Is there a problem?" I asked pissed off

-"Don't be upset dyke, we were just saying how fuckable you are"

I lifted my fist and punched the guy, his friend tried swinging at me but I grabbed his arm and twisted it until he fell to the floor. The guy I punched got up, punched me in the face, and kicked me in the stomach sending me stumbling back, I kicked him in the nuts and he fell to the floor, I jumped on top of him and punched him until I felt someone pulling me off him.

-"The three of you to the principal's office NOW" She yelled and the two guys quickly got up. I put my sleeve on my nose to stop the bleeding, but it didn't help much.

When we got to the principal I explained what happened, the two guys confirmed my story. The principal was used to me picking fights with people but he was furious at the two freshmen for their homophobic and misogynistic comments, plus it was an unfair fight since it was two of them.

The two guys got suspended and I got a week's detention with Ms. Miller. My nose hadn't stopped bleeding and she offered to take me to the nurse. On our way there she spoke.

-"You messed him up pretty bad"

-"That will teach him to keep his mouth shut"

-"It shocks me how many homophobic teenage boys this school has"

-"Yeah and they all think being gay is a choice, that's why I fight with people, because they keep telling me they can turn me straight and it pisses me off"

-"I get it, but you can get in serious trouble for it"

-"I know" We got in the nurse's office and she sat with me.

-"Again Cam? You should level up your defense game" She joked and I laughed. She knew me a little too well, for the past four years I've been going to her office regularly. She gave me a wet paper towel to hold on to my nose and I told her about the kick in the stomach. She helped me wipe the blood from my hands and asked me to lift my hoodie up so she could take a look, I did and I noticed Ms. Miller was looking as well and she scrunched her nose.

-"I can see a bruise starting to form, there's nothing we can do about it, it's just gonna hurt for a while, as for your hand it's going to hurt from the impact with what I assume was his face?" She lifted her eyebrows and I chuckled.


-"It's not funny Cam" she scolded me and I smiled "Here, put some ice on it" I was icing my hand when the bell for the end of the first period rang. Ms. Miller got up and so did I, we left the nurse's office.

-"Thank you for staying with me" I said and she shrugged.

I went to Economics and Izzy was waiting for me.

-"What the hell happened to you?"

-"I got into a fight with two freshmen, they called me slurs and I punched one of them, I fought both of them and I ended up on top of one punching him, until Ms. Miller pulled me off him"

-"So Ms. Miller sided with the guys?"

-"No, she just stopped me from sending him to the ER and probably from getting suspended as well"

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