Chapter 31: "I can turn you straight"

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The next morning she woke up at six to organize the papers by class, I got up with her and helped her. She handed me a stack of papers and told me to set aside my class’s. I found mine and looked at it, she had barely made any corrections.

-“It was great Cam”

-“Was it?”

-“Yes, your writing is amazing” I smiled and put it in the pile with the rest of them. When we were done, we got dressed. She wore a pair of mom-fit light blue jeans, an oversized white jumper and white air forces. The weather was getting warmer, so she didn’t take a jacket.

-“That’s new” I said

-“I’m not in the mood to get dressed up, I’m tired” I kissed her cheek and handed her a coffee. I had stolen her clothes once again, I was wearing a pair of black jeans and a black hoodie with my white air forces. “You look good in my clothes”

-“Thank you babe” we drank our coffee, grabbed our bags and helmets, and got on our bikes. We got to school at 7.25 and she went in her classroom, I went to the principal’s office, I wanted to see if I could convince him to give me my report card. I knocked on the door and he let me in.

-“Ms. Thompson, what a surprise” He mocked “What did you do this time?”

-“Nothing Mr. Smith” I smiled “I just wanted to talk to you about my report card”

-“Oh ok, take a seat” He looked surprised “You need a parent to come pick it up”

-“I know, but my father is away on a business trip and he won’t come back until spring break. So I was wondering if I could pick it up this one time” I gave him a small smile.

-“I guess I can make an exception, but only because your grades have improved drastically since last year” He passed me the report card and I smiled widely.

-“Thank you”

-“No problem kid, may I ask, what changed?”

-“What do you mean?” I asked confused

-“You haven’t been in my office for a while, you don’t cause as much trouble and your grades are perfect.” I smiled.

-“People change” I joked and he snorted

-“Sure Camilla”

-“I just realized I wasn’t proud of the person I had become”

-“Oh” Was all he said and looked at me with a sad look

-“Plus the endless detentions with Ms. Miller scared me straight.

-Now that I don’t doubt” He laughed “She can be intimidating” “But that didn’t stop you from pranking her”

-“Oh, you’ve heard about that?”

-“Yes Cam, I did, I’m the principal”

-“I wouldn’t have done it if I knew she was the teacher, she wanted to suspend me” he laughed

-“But you talked your way out of it like you always do”

-“Yes” I smiled.

-“Congratulations on your grades Camilla” He said and I got up to leave

-“Thank you”

-“And stay out of trouble” he said right before I closed the door. On my way to Izzy’s locker, I run into the same guy that harassed me a couple of months ago stopped me.

-“So, are you still a dirty lesbo or you finally came around”

-“Still a lesbian”

-“So you don’t want a quicky at the bathroom?” He winked

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