Chapter 34: "Parent-teacher meeting"

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The next few days passed faster than we expected, we went to the beach every morning, came back home to eat something rested for a little while, and then we got for a walk or a drink around the town. We even went to a club once, Izzy knew a guy that let us in.

For our last night, we decide to go clubbing again. They let us in and we got a bottle since the three of us would be drinking. I danced with Dani and Izzy and Ed found someone as well, after a while we noticed two guys in their late thirties giving us dirty looks. We told Ed and Izzy, so they could keep an eye on them as well, but Ed being stupid as always decided to take matters into his own hands.

-“Is there a problem?” He asked them visibly annoyed

-“Yeah you little faggot, this isn’t a club for you and your dirty dykes”

-“I don’t remember seeing a sign that said no gays allowed. However, I do know that animals are a big no-no” Oh drunk Ed, why did you have to say that?

-“You will regret saying this you little faggot” He swung at Ed but he ducked and punched him back. They started fighting and his friend came for us, but Dani got to him first, she punched him and he stumbled back, I pulled Ed off the other guy. I punched him and he stumbled backward as well. They were too strong but at least they were drunk. I felt someone grab me and the next thing I saw was Dani and Izzy beating the shit out of the guy while Ed called security. The bouncers broke the fight and escorted all of us out.

-“Just because you are friends of Adam the police won’t be called” They told us and let us go. Ed’s face was bleeding and he had a black eye. He held onto me for support as we walked home.

His lip and nose were bleeding and his cheekbone was split. We cleaned up the blood and the wounds, while he iced his eye.

Dani’s hand was also full of blood. After taking care of Ed, I helped her clean it and put some ice on it, she winced in pain.

-“I guess you like to fight after all”

-“He was going to punch you Cam and he could have killed Ed, you saw what he did to him” A tear rolled down her cheek. “I got so fucking scared Cam, I saw one of them holding a knife, that’s why I punched him first”

-“We are safe now babe, thanks to you” I wiped her tears away. “Drunk Ed is a hot-headed mess”

-“Maybe we should stop going clubbing on holidays, I always end up fighting people” I chuckled.

-“At least you didn’t get punched”

-“Yes, but my hand hurts like hell and I have to grade your tests.”

-“I’ll help you babe” She kissed me and I helped her wrap her hand in a bandage. Izzy and I got away without a scratch.

The next I packed both mine and Dani’s stuff and Izzy packed Ed’s, his face was swollen and he was in pain. We decided it was better if Izzy drove us back since Dani was also in pain. We got in the car and Dani and I sat at the back.

-“Thanks Dani” Ed mumbled “If it wasn’t for you I would either be in the hospital or dead”

-“All of us Ed” She said. “He had a knife.”

-“Fuck, he didn’t hurt you did he?”

-“No, I punched him and he dropped it”

-“Badass” Izzy contributed to their conversation.

We fell asleep for the rest of the drive, we were all exhausted. Izzy drove us to Danielle’s house and they got an uber to my house to pick up her car. I decided to stay with Dani for a little while to help her with the grading and everything else. I called my dad and let him know.

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