Abuela y Abuelo

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*the World Cup will go different in the story just to suit it better :)*

"I feel like I'm meeting them for the first time again" you say and pedri laughs "I wasn't lying when I say they ask about you they genuinely do every time" he says "that's sweet I've missed them to but i feel awkward going" you tell him "why though they adore you" he says "I don't know maybe cause we're not together and I'm just caspars mum now" you explain "trust me lily in their eyes we never broke up and your part of my family whether you think it or not" he tells you putting his hand on yours and you just look at him "I can feel you looking at me" he says snapping you out your gaze "I have no clue what your talking about pedri" you tease him "hmm if you say so" he says

You guys arrive at me pedris parents house. You go turn of Caspar iPad he was watching and get him out the car "come on Caspar" you say holding his hand "alright you ready" pedri asks "yeah let's go" you smile. Pedri goes up and knocks on the door "Pedri" his mum says as she pulls him into a hug "OMG lily it's lovely to see you" she says running over and hugging you "it's great to see you to your looking amazing as always" you compliment "aww Thankyou I haven't seen you in forever fernando will be happy to see you" she says which makes you laugh "come on let's go in now" pedri says "yes I won't keep you outside" Maria says

You guys walk inside and your stood beside pedri while Caspar has run off to play with some toys "see it wasn't that bad" perdri says putting his arm round me "yeah I know I was just overthinking it" you say "I leave tomorrow for training with Spain but I'll FaceTime you guys every day and stuff" he tells you "oh yeah that's fine we will see you again in a few days anyway so it's alright" you say "yeah that's true I just feel bad leaving you guys" he says "it's alright pedri we will be fine" you tell him "yeah sorry of course you are" he says bringing you into a hug

"Oh my goodness fernando you have grown so much" you say seeing him as he walks down the stairs "lily I haven't seen you in ages" he says coming and hugging you "you're taller than me now wow when did that happen" you question "it's not hard to be taller than you" he chuckles and you pretend to act offended "so are you and pedri back together or something you haven't been here in ages" he asks "no still just coparents. I just came to see you guys" you tell him "oh well if your interested still pedris still totally into you" he tells you "not anymore fernando us together was a long time ago" you say "so it doesn't me he doesn't till love you" he says "well it's just not going to happen fernando" you laugh

Your sat on the sofa next to pedri while Caspar is asleep on pedris chest "you guys are just the cutest parents" Maria tells you guys "what can we say we're just the best" pedri laughs "I remember when pedri told me you were pregnant I was stunned I never expected it but I wouldn't want anything different" she tells you which puts a smile on your face. "Neither" pedri says smiling at you "ew don't do that" you whisper "do what?" He says with a smirk "you know what you do" you say "I genuinely have no clue what your on about lily I was just looking at you" he says "hmm sure" you say "i think I'm going to have to go you can stay if you want don't feel like you have to leave cause I do" he tells you "no I have some things to do anyways so we should probably go to" you let him know "alright guys sorry to kill the mood but we are going to have to go" pedri announces "aww" his mum says. You guys say your goodbyes and leave with Caspar still asleep on pedris chest. He slowly puts Caspar in the back and then you guys get in the front "see it wasn't that bad" he says to you "yeah I know I actually enjoyed it" you say "see I knew you would" he says "so will you come more often" he adds on "maybe i don't know" you say "well they still love you never stopped and never will" he says too you which makes you smile.

You guys arrive at your house "I'll help you get Caspar out" pedri offers "no it's fine don't worry" you tell him "there no other choice I'm going to do it" he says "alright then i will not argue with that" you tell him as he gets out and grabs Caspar "do you want to stay for abit im making meatballs for dinner" you ask "sure why not but i won't be able to stay much longer after I have to be up early tomorrow" he says "that's fine by me" you smile

First and last love ~ pedri gonzalez Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin