Oh no...

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You guys get inside the house and pushes you against the wall smashing your lips together then slowly moving down your neck which leads to you letting out a little moan. He taps your thigh signaling for you to jump and he runs upstairs nearly tripping a few times because of the alcohol he has consumed but safely makes it to your bedroom.

"your going to kill me" you muffle inbetween kisses "trust me your going to be dead after we're done"he says which leads you to giggle.

He's still carrying you so he takes you over to the bed and lays you down so he's hovering over you "are you sure you wanna do this" he asks while nibbling on your neck making his way down to your breasts as your wearing a low cut dress "I've never been so sure" you laugh

You take his shirt off revealing his abs "Jesus Christ" you say stunned at his figure "like what you see" he smirks spinning you round so your now on top of him as he starts unzipping your dress as and ripping it off your body to show your bare chest (#freethenipple) you start kissing on his abs working your way down his body and you start to pull off his boxers as you can see it already bulging out.

You beging to lick the tip teasing him "oh come on lily stop messing" he groans and then you start sucking. your head moving up and down his penis "omg that feels so good" he moans as you keep doing it "don't stop" he shouts "I'm gonna cum" he moans as you feel a liquid enter your mouth.

"I think it's my go" he says grabbing your waist picking you up and twisting you round causeing you to squeal. He starts on your lips intensely kissing them as he moves down your neck harshly kissing it causing you to moan.

He makes his way down to your breast and starts sucking on them teasing you intensely as he makes his way down to your stomach then to your vagina "looks like your excited to see me" he says before inserting his tongue into it causing you to moan out his name while grabbing onto his hair as his tongue moves around your clit.

Pedri finishes his business down there and your now face to face "are you sure you can handle all this lily " he says staring into your eyes "we will have to see" you say kissing him slowly but intensely

"Ugh faster pedri faster" you moan as he's moving his penis in and out of you "do you not want the moment to last mi amour" he says going even slower placing a kiss on your lips then slowly starting to speed up again "pedri" you moan out his name multiple times as he speeds up

"I'm gonna cum" you scream and then cum all over his dick as he takes it out of you throws the condom in the bin next to the bed and lays down next to you

⚠️smut finished (sorry if it was really bad)⚠️

"Jesus I've missed that" he says bringing you in closer to his chest "mmm yeah me too" you say loooking at him "we are definitely going to be regretting this in the morning" he mumbles into your hair "probably but it's nice while it lasted right" you say "yeah it was nice" he says


You wake up in the morning and feel arms wrapped around your waste and also your head against someone's chest. You knew exactly who it was as there scent was so recognisable to you. You start to panic as you realise you are both butt naked and that your meant to want to rip his brains out right now but then the other thoughts take over that's this is the one thing you have wanted for the longest time.

You slowly start to budge after about 10 minutes of contemplating what to do but as you move you feel the arms tighten around your waste "don't go you will ruin the moment" he says bringing you in causing you to sigh "I hate you pedro Gonzalez" you say "you don't though do you" he says kissing your forehead which causes you to blush

You guys lay silently in each other's company for around 30 minutes until your decide you have no other choice other than to get up "alright up Caspar will be back soon and don't your have some football thing to get to" you ask him while escaping his grip and running into the closet "no football today so plenty of time for you lily" he says "I still dislike you pedri you have to earn my forgiveness" you say "I'm pretty sure I earned it last night" he laughs "hahaha that is so funny" you say sarcastically "you can start by putting the sheets in the washing machine please "you ask him "whatever you say madam" he says as you can hear him getting up

First and last love ~ pedri gonzalez Where stories live. Discover now