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It's now been about an hour and you are still talking to ansu

"So why don't you let me take you out now we have gotten to know eachother" he confidently says "you are really eager are you" you tell him "so what about tomorrow night" he smirks "I have a son which I need to look after" you say "well I'll just come here and bring food" he insists "alright then sure come at like 9pm" you smile "alright I will see you there" he says

It is now the next day and you are currently getting ready for ansu to come over. You had already bathed Caspar and read him a bed time story

You were kind of worried for the date as you haven't been on a date since you had dated pedri so it's just going to be weird

*buzz* *buzz*

You look at your phone and see Isabella's FaceTiming you "hey" you say "ooo you look nice where are you going" she asks "I'm not going anywhere but I do have a guy coming round" you say shyly "OMG WHO IS IT PEDRI" she screams "no it's one oh his team mates ansu" you tell her "you dirty dog going for a teammate gosh what did pedri say" she asks "I haven't told him cause it's none of his business he broke up with me" you explain "true but he will still go crazy when he finds out" she says "well he shouldn't" and as you say that there's a knock on the door "okay I have to go I'll text you after I love you" you quickly blurt before hanging up and running down the stairs

"Hey ansu come in" you welcome him "you look gorgeous by the way" he compliments you while walking over and placing the food he bring on the table "so what did you bring" you question "sushi I was abit scared because people either love sushi or hate it but I just prayed" he laughs "no I like sushi don't worry" you smile "okay good because I'm starving" he says as he starts taking out the packages "woah that is a lot of sushi" you say as you start walking towards the table "well I got abit of everything so you could have exactly what you wanted" he smirks "awww that is so sweet"

you say going and grabbing 2 plates from the kitchen and 2 bottles of water "I only have water I hope that's alright" you apologise "no no that's fine don't worry" he says grabbing a bottle and a plate from you

"So what do you do for like work" he asks "I guess I'm like an influencer and I do like modelling and stuff" you explain "I can see why just look at you" he smiles "Thankyou" you smile

"I was abit nervous asking you out to be honest" he tells you "why I'm not scary I don't think" you giggle "you're not but pedri is he would of bitten my head off if he found out I asked you out on a date" he says "I can see that happening to he honest" you laugh "you guys are definitely not a thing though anymore" ansu questions "we broke up 3 years ago he's just over protective and likes our family just me him and Caspar so whatever he says it's nothing against you" you say while tucking into your sushi "so have you had any relationships before" you add on "no not really the classic highschool flings but nothing to serious I guess I haven't really found anyone" he answers "yeah I totally understand relationships are also so confusing" you reply

You guys have now been talking for an hour or so and it's getting late now so ansu has to go

During the date all you could think about was pedri and when you guys went on dates and how he would always let you choose the food because you were always so picky and he would always take a million photos of you and compliment you like every second. Even though it was way too protective you found it cute how he didn't want them trying anything with you and that's what you always liked about him he wanted it to just be you guys well I think the rules only apply to me on not being allowed to get with anyone cause I've heard a few stories about him.

"So what about a second date is that on the table" ansu asks "ansu im not sure I think it would be to weird with pedri and I think me and him have some unfinished business" you explain "I can tell but I hope you enjoyed yourself" he says "I really did it was one of my best dates ever" you smile before closing and locking the door.

First and last love ~ pedri gonzalez Where stories live. Discover now