Champagne problems

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"Come on Caspar let's go we need to watch dad" you hurry him "okay im coming" he says running towards the door. You guys get in the car and drive to the stadium.

It's now after the game and pedri comes over to you guys "papiii" Caspar says putting his arms out for pedri to grab him "well done daddy" Caspar says hugging him "aww Thankyou little man" he says cuddling him

You suddenly feel a tap on your shoulder "hey Lily" she says "oh hey sira" you reply "me and the girls are going out for like a spa day do you want to come" she asks "I would but I have Caspar" you reply "I'll watch him you go get your nails painted or whatever" pedri butts in "are you sure" you look at him "yeah I'm sure go have fun lily" he smiles "alright here are the car keys so you can take the car and stuff" you say handing him them "Thankyou pepi" you say looking at him making him have a massive smile

(I was going to do like the Spanish teams wags but it's to much learning all there names so I'm just going to create some names)

You are all sat in the hot tub with a glass of champagne it's currently you sira , Meghan , Layla and Lucia

"So what is it like dating pedri cause Jesus he gets a lot of attention from the girls" Lucia asks "where not dating we are just coparents" you reply "what really cause apparently when ansu said you were hot he went all defensive saying you were off limits" Layla adds "so why did you guys even break up" sira asks "well like we were 16 when I got pregnant but i had just turned 17 when I gave birth and you know how 16 year olds are they like to experiment and then I got pregnant but before I told him he told me that he wanted to focus on his career and that I was a distraction so i decided to give him another distraction" you laugh "so your only like 19" Meghan questions "yeah I turn 20 in like 2 weeks though" you answer "woah your so young" Layla replies

You guys sit and chat away for a few hours and maybe drink one too many champagnes so you are the slightest bit tipsy

You're currently in the back of a taxi talking to sira

"I'm not even that drunk sira I swear" you say grabbing on to her arm "you teenagers still can't handle alcohol" she laughs "I can I'm being serious I'm like the slightest bit tipsy" you say  "well I'm sure you can get pedri to tuck you into bed when you get back" she laughs "ew pedri he really bugs me some days" you say "but you love him don't you" she reply's "I don't know sometimes I do want to get back with him and for us to be like a happy family and it's not like where a bad family but it would be nice for us all to live together and spend every second we possibly could do together but then sometimes pedri acts like he's completely forgotten about us " you explain "aww that's cute lily and I'm sure he doesn't forget you guys " she says "I also haven't fucked anyone in the longest time so it would be nice to have some action" you laugh "omg you need to shut that dirty teenage mouth of yours" she laughs "I think the alcohol may be talking right now" you reply still giggling

"Do you want me to walk you to the door" sira asks as you guys pull up to the house "erm no I'll be fine I'll just run and hope for the best" you giggle "alright be safe and don't die" she laughs "I'll try not to" you close the cab door and run up to the door

You are stood there trying to unlock the door but can seem to get the key in the whole until it just opens

"woah magic" you say mesmerised "no magic just me" pedri says opening the door "ohh pedri I missed you" you say hugging him "how much have you had to drink" he asks "just a little bit I swear I'm not drunk at all" you say looking up at him still hugging him "if you say so" he smiles

"where's Caspar" you ask "he's in bed as it's 1 in the morning" he reply's "omg I'm so sorry you shouldn't be up this late you have training" you say "no no it's okay I don't have training till 3 tomorrow so I can be up now let's get you to bed" he reply's "alright  will you come with me though" you ask "lily I don't think that's a good idea" he reply's "I'm not asking you to fuck me or anything I just want you to come with me" you say with a serious face which makes him laugh "alright alright let's go" he says

"I don't wanna get ready for bed" you say looking at him as you are now hidden under your covers "you need to or you will complain in the morning" he tells you coming and sitting next to you "but it's a lot of effort going and getting pyjamas and then coming and getting back in bed" you moan "well take your dress off" he tells you "that's very cheeky from you mr Gonzalez" you giggle "just do it I will turn around" he says spinning round as you take off your dress as it was easy to slip off "now you can put this on" he says taking off his hoodie which he wasn't wearing a shirt under so you just stare at his abs "woah you were not that ripped when we were 16" you say with your mouth open "stop drooling lily and put my hoodie on" he laughs and you put it on "will you stay with me because what if I need you desperately in the middle of the night and I magically lose my voice how will you hear me " you smile "I will just know lily I have spider senses" he reply's "just stay with me please pedri" you say with a pouty face so he agrees and lays down next to you 

"also who doesn't wear shirts under hoodies your weird" you say pulling the hood on his hoodie up and resting your head on his chest "well Caspar spilt juice on my shirt and I didn't have another one" he says putting his arm around your waist "you should of worn one of my crop tops it would of suited you" you laugh "I know it would but I didn't want to make you jealous" he laughs

"Pedri I have a question" you say in a serious tone "what is it amour" he replies "I don't know if I'm just drunk but why did you actually break up with me?"

First and last love ~ pedri gonzalez Where stories live. Discover now