chapter 7

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* in Blanc's castle

"My mistress, I have found out that rimuru-sama is currently at noir's Castle." Moss said. "What!?!, so mother has been with noir all these time?" Asked Jaune. "Well, yes my lady." Moss answered. "I see, thank you Moss, you may now leave." Blanc said while looking out the window and then Moss vanished into the Shadows. "What are we going to do Blanc?" Questioned Violet. "I though it was easy to understand what we are going to do. Since mom isn't coming here any time soon, let's just go to her." Answered Blanc. "Ya" "were going to see mom."

*in noir's Castle

"Mother, you told me you were go to visit everyone, so who are you visiting after me?" Asked noir. "Well to answer your question, im going to visit Blanc next and then your other siblings, why do you ask" "Oh well, I was mostly curious but there is also the fact that I sense my sisters coming this way." "Wait,there coming!?" 'Why didn't you tell me about this ciel.' [< there was no hostile energy coming so I thought It would be fine.>] 'ciel!' "Well yes, at the speed they are using they should be here shortly, I think arriving at the balcony." "I see, thank you noir. Just as rimuru finished her sentence a crash was heard, when rimuru and noir looked at the balcony they saw the three Primordial demons:
Blanc, Jaune, and Violet. Rimuru then smiled and while still cuddling noir said "hello my children" "mom" they said simultaneously and then ran toward her and gave her a big group hug.

It has been a few minutes now and everyone has Calm down, so rimuru thought it was time and said "my children I realized that I have been gone for a long time but will you allow me to give you all a name?" Asked rimuru still a bit nervous. "Of course mother" and so she name noir, Blanc, Jaune, and Violet, there new names were,Purple Primordial Violet (Ultima), White Primordial Blanc (Testarossa), Yellow Primordial Jaune (Carrera), Black Primordial Noir (Diablo).

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