Ch. 1.2

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[Time Skip to where Edward is dating Bella and Bella knows about vampires, sorry]


Well, for whatever reason Edward Cullen has decided to date my sister. I wish they never got together, she's always on the phone with him in her room late hours of the night.
It's now late into the night, Bella went to play baseball with the Cullen family, what a joke. Just then I hear the front door slam open as I am in the kitchen washing dishes.
"Bells, what's wrong?" I hear dad ask.
"Leave me alone!" She yells and I am honestly shocked. I hear her loud footsteps storm up the stairs, dad's not far behind. I decide against following, he said I had to give her a chance, if she wants to lose it, that's her choice.
Just as I finish that last plate, Bella comes down with a duffle bag,
"Bella, what the hell are you doing?" Dad asks her.
"I'm leaving. There's nothing here for me." She spits out and I snap.
"Nothing here?!" I yell,
"Ellie-" Dad begins but I cut him off.
"No! Nothing here?! Try your family, Bella. How about a father who loves you? Is he nothing?" I ask her and she looks back and forth from him to me.
"I don't want to be stuck like mom." She mutters before going out the door. I Tun and open it back up to yell out,
"Well you're just like the bitch! Don't come back!" I slam the door close and pass dad, heading straight to my bedroom.
The nerve of her! He hasn't shut up about her since she got here, always worried about her dumbass, and she has the nerve to do that to him.
I'm broken from my thoughts by a knock on the door.
"Come in." I call out and the door opens to reveal my father with tears in his eyes.
"Dad, I gave her a chance. She made her decision and I'm making mine. I'm sorry." I tell him, I hate to do this to him but I will not forgive her for this.
"Her and Edward broke up, she's hurt." He tries to make excuses for her.
"That doesn't mean she had the right to hurt you." I tell him and I can see in his eyes that he doesn't know what to say. To do. "Go to bed, Dad, you've worked a long day." He nods in agreement and goes to his room, I know the only reason he doesn't put up a fight and wait for Bella is because he doesn't want me to see him cry.

Dad spent all night on the phone. Either talking to Renee or trying to get a hold of Bella. He hasn't left the kitchen table, waiting to hear from someone with news on his daughter.
Just as I'm about to pry him away, the phone rings. He jumps up and answers it,
I truly don't know if I hope for it to be her, to calm his nerves, or not.
"We're on our way." He says, confusing me, and hangs up.
"Who was that?" I ask him as he puts his coat on.
"Renee. Bella fell down a flight of stairs and through a window. She's at Phoenix Hospital, go get your coat." He rushes out but stops dead in his tracks at my next few words.
"Dad, I love you, but I'm not going. I will not see either one of them, much less talk to them. I'm seventeen, I can stay here alone. Or I'm sure Billy will let me crash there 'til you get back." The look on his face as I speak truly breaks my heart. I know that I'm hurting him, he wishes Bella and I's relationship was how it once was, but those days are over. We both grew up, took different paths.
"Ellie, please." He begs and I want to give in, but I refuse.
"No. I'm not going." I firmly state.
"I'll call when I get there." He gives in, wanting to get to Bella as soon as he can.
"I'll call the airport and see if I can get you a ticket." Even though I wish he would distance himself from them to stop him from getting hurt, I know he never will.
"Thank you." He says before leaving.

Bella's back. Back home and back with Edward Cullen. I don't know if it's because I've never had a boyfriend, but I don't understand. You were so hurt by this guy - that you only knew for a couple months, that you left your family broken hearted over you and show your face like it never happened.
"Bells, you look beautiful." Dad says as Bella walks down the stairs in a boot and a prom dress, Edward helps her down the last three.
"Does she?" I ask, rudely.
"Elliana." Dad sternly says, giving me the 'shut up' look.
"She looks like-"
"That's enough." Edward grits out interrupting me.
"No," I turn my glare towards him, "my father, you know my family," I direct that word towards Bella before turning back to Edward, "can interrupt me, tell me it's enough. But you, the scum on my shoe, will not talk to me like that." I grit out and Bella looks between us scared.
"As much as Ellie needs to hold her tongue, she's right. You already hurt one of my daughters, I'll be damned if you talk like that towards my other one." My dad tells him and I smile in victory. Sure, I'll be in trouble for talking to Bella like that, but I'll die before letting a guy try to reprimand me.
"Apologies." Edward bows his head. Freak.
"Not accepted. Now leave, both of you." I spit out before going and sitting on the couch. Soon after they leave, dad comes into the living room.
"Elliana." He says, grabbing my attention.
"No. You said give her one chance, I told you when she messed it up that I was going to be done. She messed it up big time. There's no coming back from that." I tell him, leaving and going to my room to call Trixie and Mia and tell them about that jerk trying to tell me 'enough'.

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