Ch. 1.9

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"Is Jake hanging out with y'all now?" I ask Embry as we lay on my bed before he leaves for the night.
"What makes you ask that?" He questions and that answers my question.
"He suddenly got mono and now is ignoring everyone, including me and Quil. Just like you did." I whisper the last part and Embry sqeeezes me more into his side.
"He's just going through some stuff, but he's okay. It's better this way." Embry says and I know that that's all I'm going to get out of him.

It's been a week since then...Embry and I have only communicated through texting as he says he's been having to be there for Jacob. Anytime I try to say something, he just asks me to trust him as he will tell me everything soon. I'm currently sitting in my room on my laptop writing my English paper when the door opens to reveal Isabella.
"What do you want?" I ask, turning back and continuing my paper.
"Billy called, said he needed some help getting things out of the shed and Jake is too sick to help him." She says, suspiciously fast.
"Then go help him." I say without looking away from my laptop.
"He said he needed both of us." She says and I sigh before saving my work and putting away my computer.
"Fine, you're driving." This better not be Billy's attempt at trying to get Bella and I closer.

We pull up to the Black residence and I furrow my brows in confusion. Usually Billy waits outside on the porch when he's expecting you. Bella and I climb out and she marches to the door like she's on a mission, confusing me even more. She knocks rather harshly on the little glass window of the door and it opens to reveal a confused and what looks to be annoyed Billy.
"Bella, Ellie, what can I do for you?" He asks and I glare at Bella.
"You said he needed us to move stuff. I was working on the last page of my essay that's due tomorrow, Isabella!" I raise my voice even louder as my blood grows even more hot with rage. She may not care about her grades, but I would like to graduate high school.
"I-I just wanted to see Jake." She stammers out and I roll my eyes.
"Well, I don't give a shit!" I yell before she rushes around Billy, barging into his home and going in the direction of Jacob's bedroom. "I'm so sorry, Billy. She said you needed our help moving stuff since Jacob is sick." I apologize to the man and he nods his head, telling me he understands when I hear a "whoop" in the distance. We both turn to see a group of four tan, shirtless men walking towards the house but they stop, seeing me. My eyes zero in on one of them, Embry.
Suddenly, I'm pushed away as Bella storms out and towards them. Billy's eyes grow wide as I collide into the doorpost.
"Bella!" I shout, marching after her but am stopped by Billy grabbing my hand.
"Please, Elliana, stay here." He begs and I do as I'm told, knowing it's serious as he's only used my actual name a total of four times in my whole life.
We watch on as I see a man start to get in Bella's face, his body shaking vigorously. I gasp as I believe my eyes are deceiving me or did Bella just slap him. You never slap a person with their shaking like that.
"She's about to die, isn't she?" I whisper as Billy grips my hand even tighter. I watch on as suddenly there's a ripping sound and suddenly, there's no longer a man in front of my sister...but a giant wolf? How's that possible?
"B-Billy?" I shockingly ask, backing into him as he grips my hand, not letting me run to the truck. I watch on as the rest of the men tell my sister to run, for once the dumb girl listens, but the wolf isn't far behind her. My breathing quickens as Billy yells into the house at Jacob to wake up.
I'm hallucinating, I have to be. This isn't real, this isn't actual reality. I think as Jacob runs out the house and turns into another humungous wolf and begins to fight with the other one.
"B-Billy, I don't feel good." I whisper out before my eyes roll into the back of my head and everything becomes black.

Third Person

"Take them back to Emily's." Sam Uley tells his other pack members as he runs to go break up the fight between Paul and Jacob.
"Dude." Jared whispers, hitting Embry's shoulder and pointing toward Billy Black. Both boys' eyes widen as they see him holding an unconscious Elliana in his lap. Embry quickly takes off into a sprint, leaving Jared to handle Bella, and lifts his imprint in his arms, holding her bridal style.
"I take it that you haven't told her." Billy asks trying to lighten the mood as he can see the worry in Embry's eyes. "She'll be okay, just get her to Emily's." He instructs the boy and he quickly walks to the orange, rusted truck, yelling at the other two to hurry up.

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