Chapter 31- Let Me Make You Proud

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𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓽 𝓣𝓱𝓻𝓮𝓮: 𝓣𝓱𝓻𝓸𝓾𝓰𝓱 𝓲𝓽 𝓐𝓵𝓵


"Thanks, Lance!!" Rapunzel's cheery voice happily calls, waving to Lance as we hop out of the carriage.

Lance smiles. "Anytime, princess." He nods. His eyes slowly make their way to Varian, and Lance offers the boy a reassuring grin. "Good luck, little man."

Varian returns the gesture with a weak smile. "T-Thanks." He softly replies.

Lance snaps the reins of the carriage he had used to take us to Old Corona and takes off down the dusty road that was plagued with black rocks.

As I look at my Varian, I can still see the guilt that haunted the alchemist. It breaks my heart.

Varian's blue eyes examine what is left of Old Corona, and his face becomes pale. Tears come to his eyes as he gazed at the infamous black rocks that had pierced through the rubble of what used to be cottages. The homes are empty; everyone has already fled from the town. He scans the barren wasteland.

This is the first time that he had been home since...the battle.

The black rocks are just as prevalent as before, and anything that dared to stand in their path was destroyed. What used to be the home of so many, including Varian, was destroyed. It was all gone. Even the trees and flowers that once decorated the small town had ceased to grow.

Varian notices the massive automaton that he had built, and after gazing at it for a long moment, he begins to weep. The automaton is now covered in rust and moss from the elements thanks to not being used for a couple of years; it still looks as ominous as ever. Varian eventually collapses to his knees as he stares at the monster he had created. Tears stream down his freckled cheeks. I know that these tears are all too common for the young alchemist. I can't help but feel myself breaking just from seeing how broken the boy is.

I offer my hand to Varian, and he slowly takes it. His eyes never stray from the automaton. "You're not that person anymore." I softly say.

Rapunzel approaches us and kneels beside Varian. "We all forgive you, Varian."

Varian's lips curl into a small smile. "Thank you, guys." He says as he wipes the tears from his eyes.

I never remove my hand from Varian's. "Let's go free your father."

Varian nods in agreement, and I help him to his feet. The three of us slowly approach Varian's old lab/home, and Varian hesitates as his free hand lingers on the doorknob. I give his hand a reassuring squeeze. The young alchemist gently opens the door to his former home, taking a deep breath as he did so. He's shaking like a leaf as we walk inside; I can practically see the guilt and worry oozing from his pores. It didn't take a genius to tell how hard this visit is for him.

As we enter the room where Quirin was still sealed away in the amber, chills run down my spine. I hadn't been here in so long; all of it felt surreal. Rapunzel approaches the amber and begins wrapping her long hair around it. "Can you two go and get a pail of water from the well?" She gently asks, snapping us from our daze.

"Y-Yeah." Varian stutters, swiftly exiting the room.

I quickly follow after him, calling his name. Varian ignores me and keeps running toward the well. When he finally reaches it, he slumps down beside it and buries his head in his hands. "Varian!" I pant, finally catching up to him. "What's wrong? Are you alright?"

"I-I...I can't do this, (yn)." Varian worriedly speaks, running his hand through his black hair. One of his fingers gets caught in his goggles, and he slowly removes them from his head. Varian's blue eyes examine the bronze goggles; still bearing the scratches and dents that had accumulated through their years of use. "My mother..." He pauses for a moment, as though he was trying to find the words.

Forget-Me-Not (Varian x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora