Chapter 61- Hunted

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^^Moon!Varian edit I made for your viewing pleasure :)

After getting all the monkey mischief out of the way, we finally got the book with Demanitus' plans. Fortunately, Varian can build the portal that can get rid of Zhan Tiri by banishing her to another realm. Unfortunately, we have to lure her into the portal, which inconveniently is much too large to take into the palace. Instead, Varian has to build the parts of the portal separately, and then we have to sneak back into the palace so Varian can assemble the portal there.

It's a plan that has a lot of room for error.

Even with my help, it took Varian four days to construct the portal pieces. Then, we had to prepare to return and take back Corona.

Once and for all.


I'm walking through the forest with Varian, as Quirin sent us on a mission to collect his old armor from his time in The Brotherhood. Walking through the sunlit forest with occasional clusters of black rocks, we head back to Old Corona to retrieve it.

As we walk with our hands intertwined, I take a breath. "Hey, Var?" I ask.

His blue eyes glance over at me. "Yeah?"

"Why do you think we have these powers?"

"I've been thinking about that a lot." He admits. "My theory is this: Cassandra stole the moonstone, right? She took that power for herself. Technically, Rapunzel took the power of the sun drop for herself, too. Your parents stole the magic flower to save your mom. Sure, they had good intentions, but they still took it."

"So, you're saying that they weren't given that power," I conclude. "But then where does that leave us?"

He stares up at the sky for a brief moment. "I think we are the ones who are gifted with this power."

I ponder his theory. It makes complete sense. Ever since we met as kids, there has always been an undeniable chemistry. I've always felt drawn to the boy, even at his lowest point; we've always been connected. Just like the sun drop and the moonstone.

It's only when they're together that they can thrive.

"You're right," I say in realization. "It all makes sense."

"The only thing I can't figure out is why the moonstone picked me." He mutters. "I understand why you were picked by the sun're literally the princess of the kingdom of sunlight...But why me?"

"Your father was in the brotherhood. Maybe that's why?" I suggest.

Varian holds his chin in his hand, clearly thinking it over. "I think that's part of it...but something is missing...a detail we're overlooking."

Before I can respond, a rhinoceros and two badgers bust through a clearing in the trees and block our path. Riding the rhinoceros is a lean man with shiny hair and a beard as black as night, a scar across his nose, and glowing blue eyes. As he jumps off his stead, he slowly approaches the two of us, and I notice he's adorned in armor. The man extends his arm, and a sharp sword pops out of his gauntlet. "You're right, Quirin Junior, there is a detail we're overlooking." His sword points towards me. "Her."

My eyes widen in horror as I realize something. "Y-You're in the brotherhood..." I nervously say, stepping away from the man. If he's in the brotherhood, he's under Cassandra's control. "What do you want from me?"

The man runs a finger across the blade of his sword, almost appearing bored. "Nothing much, little princess...just you."

Varian quickly gets in front of me and clenches his hands into fists. I notice his eyes flickering between blue and glowing teal. "If you wanna get to her, you'll have to go through me first." He glances over his shoulder at me. "Run, Angel." He directs.

"I can't leave you-"

His eyes and hairstreak turn fully teal as his tone shifts. "I said run."

Despite my urge to remain close to my boyfriend, I can see from the look in his eyes, that I know I have to do as he says. Without another moment of hesitation, I run off the path and dash into the forest. Racing through the wilderness, I weave around trees and black rocks, making sure not to trip over any stones or roots in my way. Adrenaline pumps through my veins. I glance behind me and see the badgers hunting me down, bearing their sharp teeth and snarling at me. Fear grips me upon realizing they're getting closer.

I frantically glance at my surroundings as I run, searching for a means of escape. I spy a tree that I feel confident enough to climb, and quickly scurry up the side of its trunk. Once I feel that I'm at a safe distance, I finally release the breath I've been holding.

My relief is short-lived when one of the badgers begins climbing the tree, while the other one waits below so I can't even think about jumping down.

I'm caught.


My blindfold has left me to rely on my other senses. Not that my other senses have been doing a very good job at helping me figure out where I am. After getting kidnapped by the brotherhood, I was tied up, blindfolded, and left to my own imagination to figure out what was going to happen to me. Despite my desire to use my sun drop powers, I'm much too stressed and don't even know if I can use them without Varian.

I stretch the muscles around my eyes up and down in an attempt to wiggle the blindfold off. When, suddenly, I hear someone turning a doorknob. Then a door opening. Then footsteps. The soft sound of boots clicking across the floor comes closer, and I feel a chill run down my spine. The blindfold is ripped off of my face and the first thing I see is Cassandra's cold blue eyes staring right into my soul. "Hello, (nn)."

"Cassandra," I growl.

"What? Not happy to see me?" She slowly circles the chair I'm tied to, eying me like I'm her prey.

I try to sound calm. "Why did you kidnap me?"

"You're a threat. You and Varian." She scowls, grabbing the back of my chair and leaning me forward, close to her face. "I don't know why, but you two have powers when you're together. You had to be separated." She shrugs. "Besides, it'll make Raps squirm a bit when she finds out her baby sister has been kidnapped."

I roll my eyes. "Haven't we done this plot device like three times now? The villain kidnaps (Yn), (Yn) gets rescued, (Yn) and the gang beats the bad guy. Rinse and repeat. How about some creativity?"

"Laugh all you want, (nn). Have you even realized where we are?"

For the first time since having my blindfold off, I glance at my surroundings. We're in my bedroom. Although it is dark from the night sky, I can still make out every piece of furniture. My bed against the back wall with its soft (fc) bedspread, my vanity, Dandelion's plush pillow, and the large window I've spent countless hours of my life gazing out of. I even see the mirror on the far back wall. The gold frame of the mirror I used to escape out of glistens in the moonlight. I smirk a bit as it occurs to me that Cassandra has no clue about the secret passage in my room. That's my way out. "Why are we in my room?" I innocently ask.

Cassandra chuckles, stepping back. "That's for me to know, and you to find out." She snaps her gloved fingers together and black rocks begin to grow from the floor beneath me, twisting and turning into the bars of a cage. As Cassandra leaves the room, more black rocks sprout from the ground and begin lining the doors and window, making escape virtually impossible. My stomach begins to churn with worry as I try to imagine what Cassandra is planning. "I'd love to stay and catch up, but the eclipse is upon us."

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