Chapter 46- Hearts Apart

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"Hey, Varian!" I happily wave, poking my head through the doorway to the alchemist's lab. I notice Varian sitting at his desk, writing something down.

Varian glances up from the blueprints on his desk and beams when he sees me. "(Yn)! Hi!"

I make my way over to the alchemist and wrap my arms around him from behind, lovingly embracing him. I rest my head on top of his and peek down at his blueprints. "What are you working on?" I ask.

Varian smiles up at me. "These are the blueprints for the machine that's going to bring your parent's memories back."

My eyes light up. "Really?"

He proudly nods and stands up. Leaning on his arm against his desk, he smugly grins. "Pretty cool, right?" Suddenly, Varian's elbow slips on one of the many scrolls that cover the table, causing him to fall over. As Varian groans in pain, the scroll that caused him to collapse floats off of the table and lands directly over his head.

I pick the scroll off of Varian's head, set it on the table, and help him to his feet. "Are you okay? Anything hurt?"

Varian sighs. "Just my pride."

I giggle a bit and peck his freckled cheek. As Varian blushes, I smile. "Don't worry, I still love you. Thank you for working so hard to help my parents."

"O-Of course." He grins.


The blinding pink light of the machine illuminates Varian's lab, filling me with both nerves, but also excitement. As the machine whirs to life, lightning flashes around. My parents exchange nervous glances as I strap them into the machine. "Hang tight, guys," I tell them. "We'll have your memories back in no time."

Once they are safely secured, I send a thumbs up to Varian, who is cackling maniacally. Varian suddenly throws his wielding helmet to the ground, still laughing. "Ha-Ruddiger get out of my apron, that tickles!!" He says with annoyance as Ruddiger scampers out of his apron.

I burst out laughing at the scene as I amble back over to join Varian and Rapunzel. With his signature, as I like to call it, 'mad scientist smile', Varian pushes the lever of the machine forward, activating our last hope at returning my parent's memories.

As even more pink lightning flashes around the machine, Rapunzel nervously approaches Varian. "Are you sure this is going to work?" She asks.

Varian grins. "If my new machine works the way I think it should," he chuckles. "And it will, we are moments away from reversing the effects of the Saporian's memory wand."

"It'll work," I assure my sister. "It has to."

Suddenly, the machine begins sputtering, causing pink goo to splatter out of a pipe, coating my parents and Rapunzel in the sticky substance. As the power of the machine dies out, I feel my heart plummet. That was our last what?

"Where am I?" Dad suddenly asks. "And why am I so...gooey?"

"I'm sorry you guys," Varian says, giving Rapunzel and me an apologetic look. "I was so sure that this was gonna work."

I grab a rag and hand it to my sister so she can begin to clean herself off. "It's okay, Var." I gently say, feeling disappointment overwhelm me. "You did all that you could."

Rapunzel smiles a bit, and I notice an all too familiar creative twinkle in her eye. "Besides, I have another method up my sleeve." She assures, wiping the goo from her face. "Don't get me wrong. The power of science is impressive, but it is nothing compared to the power of love." The princess confidently proclaims.

Forget-Me-Not (Varian x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now