Chapter 67- Plus Est En Vous (Part II)

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My plummeting body stops midair as I feel something wrap around my waist. My heart pounds through my chest as I dangle in the air, stuck in a state of shock.

"I've got you, sis!!" A smile grows across my lips as I turn to the familiar voice of my sister, who's standing above me on a black rock protruding from the side of the castle. I notice her hair wrapped around my waist, flickering from a glowing blonde to her normal brown hair color. I can assume it's thanks to Zhan Tiri possessing the sundrop.

"Rapunzel!!" I cheer. While Rapunzel safely lowers me to the ground, a thought pops into my head. I frantically look to my side and breathe a massive sigh of relief when I see Varian waiting for me below. Thank Demaitus he's alright.

The second my feet touch the ground Varian's arms are around me, squeezing me so tight that I think he's going to crush me. I don't mind, however. His embrace is something I'll never take for granted. "Angel, don't do that ever again..." The boy pleads as he nuzzles his face into the crook of my neck. I feel wet tears drip onto my skin and my heart breaks in two.


"I'm serious. Please, (Yn), I can't keep losing you. I just can't." He sighs. "I love you too much. You're the light in my life."

"I'm sorry Varian. I just...I couldn't bear the thought of you not being..." I trail off, running slow circles on his back. "I love you more than anything."

Varian parts from our hug a little bit, and brings his forehead to mine. "It's you and me. Whatever happens, we do it together. We're stronger together."

I nod. "Okay."

"That's enough." Zhan Tiri flatly says, interrupting the moment. "You Coronians have always been so sappy. I have a way to fix that."

Varian grabs my hand as we stare at the beast before us. I give it a quick squeeze. As worry bubbles in my gut, I take a breath and never remove my hand from my boyfriend's. Even though we don't have our powers anymore, I don't wavier. Whatever happens next, at least we'll be together.

Holding her claw-like hands up, Zhan Tiri begins chanting: "Whiter and decay...end this destiny." 

As she speaks, an ominously dark shadow begins growing outward from beneath her, muting all the color from everything it touches. It bleeds onto our colorful kingdom like black watercolors on a pastel canvas. As the shadows hungrily crawl across the earth, they suck the life force for everyone and everything around them. I watch in horror as my subjects become dull and weakened, and collapse to their knees. Shadows of who they once were. A chill blows through the formally warm summer air as the red sky turns gray. homeland...the kingdom of the sun...overcome by eternal darkness.

"Oh no..." I mutter.

"Break these earthly chains...and set the spirit free."

Within seconds, the shadows surround Varian and me and begin to creep over our bodies. The more of my body the darkness consumes, the more numb I feel. Before it's too late, I quickly grab my bow and shoot one final arrow at Zhan Tiri; a futile attempt to stop her.

As I'm overcome by the shadows, I crumple to the ground and clutch my chest, my heart throbbing in pain. I glance at Varian to see him on the ground as well, in an equal amount of pain. Regardless, he uses what little strength he has and pulls me close to his body, holding me against his chest.

Even though I feel empty and melancholy from the moonstone incantation, I can't help but find a little flicker of joy in my heart from Varian's actions. A teeny smile-almost too small to even make out-dances across my lips. Joy leads to hope.

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