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October 25th, fourteen twenty.

Amity was upset. Two different guards, who were not Luz, had to carry her. One back to bed the previous night, the next down for breakfast. Luz, was in big trouble. "News for today." Alador looked to the bushy haired man.

Whom seemed like Agusuts, yet not quite. "Crops have arrived, being distributed amongst the people as we speak. No new crimes, thirteen children have been born in the last two weeks, guards that were stationed in the town up North have captured poison makers and are being sent back to be punished--"

"Poison makers?" Alador cut in.

"Yes, they created poison and sent boys to contaminate the crops, animals, and people. It's in the name.." The man cleared his throat. "A guard left last night and is on her way to join Queen Boscha." He rolled up the scroll. "Luz Noceda is on leave while she is on the Queen's royal guard."

Amity waved her guard over, "Alright we're leaving."

"Letter, Princess." The man pulled a letter from his hauberk, offering it to her.

Amity reached for it, taking it and waving her guard aside. From Luz. She opened it, taking the note and unfolding it, 'Sorry for leaving.

You are upset and I am aware of the consequences I will face when you see me. My Princess, I will be joining Queen Boscha as she personally requested me, and I wished not to turn down my oldest friend. She has offered to let you join us, so please consider.

The trip will be from October 27th to the 35th. I have not yet received details on what the mission is, but by the time you read this I will be explained what is going to happen.

I wish to see you here before the 27th, if you decline I am sorry, but I will see you soon. Yours truly,
Luz Noceda.'

Amity folded the letter, looking to Alador, "I'm going on a trip."


"No one will be in danger, I assure you it will not get that far." Boscha nodded. "But where we tread, it will be dangerous. The paths, the animals, and the people. I need you to come along, because I know you will do well."

Luz scratched her cheek, "I do suppose I am better at wielding a sword than you."

Boscha grinned, bonking Luz's head, "I missed you old friend. Yet you lack brains."

Luz gasped, "I went to school longer than you did."

"I'm still going to school, Luz. Technically, I am studying longer than you." Boscha pushed her away. "Go pack and rest. You'll be awake during the night."

Luz bowed, "Then goodnight, I'll be in my quarters if you need me."

"Uh, excuse me?" A knight came from around the corner, clearing his throat. "I'm not interrupting am I..?"

"Not at all, what's wrong?" Boscha handed a scroll to the guard by her.

He bowed and walked off, the knight glancing behind them, "Princess Amity is here..? A-And she's asking for Luz.."

"Princess?-" Luz peeked around the corner.

"Let her in." Boscha waved.

The knight stepped back, returning with Amity, the princess holding her coat. Luz walked over, eager to lay her eyes on the princess. "Noceda." Amity nodded.

Luz bowed, "My Princess."

Amity placed her coat on Luz's back, startling the knight, "You know where to put it. Assess your duties and return to your quarters before nightfall." Amity walked over to Boscha. "I've brought rations in an attachable mini carriage, a guard will be seated on it during the ride to protect it."

"That's very kind of you Princess, it will be useful on the ride. Let us talk about the route and our stops here.."


Amity was guided to Luz's room, being shot a look by Boscha when she asked. It was neither anger or suprise, and that startled the princess. "Luz?" Amity knocked.

She wasn't answered, so she opened the door, peeking in. Luz was lying on her bed, asleep. Amity stepped in, closing the door, locking it before walking to her belongings. She moved her bag, uncliping it, hearing the familiar sound of Luz's sword being drawn out.

Amity turned, flinching at the sword near her neck. "Amity?-" Luz dropped her sword. "Wh- Princess you can't just make noise on a sleeping guard-"

"You were going to slice me with your sword??" Amity scoffed, baffled.

"Sorry, I'm sorry." Luz rubbed her eyes. "I have a shift tonight and I've got pre-shift jitters.."

Amity leaned down, lifting up the sword, wincing at the weight, using both hands to give it back to Luz. "Pre-Shift jitters?"

Luz sheathed her sword, lying it on the bed, "Yes. My mind is going to be aware of every little sound, and it's preparing for it. You startled me when you opened your bag, I didn't realize it was you til you turned."

"That was made clear when the sword was at my neck." Amity turned again, going through her bag. "So you will be awake during the nights?"

Luz nodded, "Dusk til the afternoon. Then I will rest after eating." Luz crawled back into bed. "I need to rest before I start, so change quickly and let me coddle you."

Amity rolled her eyes, taking her clothes, walking to the washroom, closing the door. A candle lit, then four others, the princess rubbing her neck. 'She wouldn't hurt me..Would she..?' Amity hummed softly. 'I'll speak to her about it in the morning..'

Tis, the adventure continues.

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