🍋🍋🍋 [64]

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December 2nd, fourteen twenty. (New years smut for you! Happy New Year!)

Luz gasped, lowering herself to her elbows, palms filling with the sheets of their bed. "Goodness-" Luz gulped. "Amity- I- Mngh~! Huff-"

The princess gripped Luz's thighs, tounge dripping with saliva and sweet juices as she slid her tounge deep into Luz. "Mmrr..rr.." Amity exhaled through her nose, loosening her hold slightly.

A whimper melted Amity's heart, ears drooping at the sounds only she would ever hear. "A-Amity~! Ohh Gods--" Luz groaned, burying her face into the drool soaken sheets. "Mngh- Ah- Ah-Ah-"

Amity's tounge grazed her clit, Luz crying out, body growing soft and tingly as a thick treat slipped out of her. Amity was gentle, taking her prize with pride, guiding Luz to lie flat. "Are you alright?" Amity lied by her, brushing back her hair. "Do you want me to bring water? A blanket? Or offer a massage?"

Luz let out a breathy whine, shaking her head lightly, "Ah..J..Just give me a s..econd.." Luz swallowed, catching her breath for a minute before speaking. "Water, please..And a bath if possible.."

Amity kissed her head, smiling warmly, "Of course, let me get dressed quickly and I'll return shortly."

Luz nodded slowly, elbows beginning to ache for her lack of training on them. 'You can handle getting stabbed and thrown off a waterfall..But not being pleasured by your lover? How pitiful Noceda..Oh Titan I wish I had worked more on my arms..I would be able to last several more hours in that position..'

Resisting the urge to curse herself for being stupid, Luz decided to sit up, ruffling her tossled hair. "Mm..?" She examined the room.

Oh yes, her undergarments were still where Amity had thrown them, as well as her shirt and leggings, armor set neatly against the desk. She reached for the clean sheets on a seat, unfolding it and wrapping it around herself, skin growing warm.

Amity returned minutes later, perking, "Oh Luz-- If you were cold I would've gotten you the blanket myself." She closed the door, walking over and offering Luz a cup. "Tea for pain, forgive me if I was a bit aggressive Darling.."

Luz giggled, reddening in hue, "You were meeting all of my expectations Amity, I love when you are keeping me to yourself. Thank you, will you join me in the bath?"

"Yes, I've paid for six buckets of hot water, the owner is currently filling the tap for us. Do you need help standing?"


Paco nuzzled Gelato's cheek, the stallion braying at him, Paco gazing at him. "You are so sensitive." Paco rose his head.

"Me? Sensitive?" Gelato snorted. "Please. You bit me!"

"You enjoyed it. Do not blame this on me." Paco huffed.

"Well I am! You are no noblehorse." Gelato turned his head. "A pain in the behind and not willing to horse up and apologize."

Paco stepped closer, nuzzling against Gelato, kneeling and lying down. Gelato hesitantly following his lead, huffing and leaning against Paco. "Forgive me Gelato, I did not mean to be so rude." Paco licked back his mane. "Are you alright?"

Gelato leaned back, resting his head on Paco's hooves, snorting as he began to get groomed. "Well..I'm feeling much better.." He neighed.

"Then I'm glad. Just rest, I'll wake you if Luz comes in." Paco licked his ear, nuzzling him gently.

Gelato sighed, slumping and letting his body relax. He dozed off, thoughts cirling the night before, and Gelato did not mind.

. . .

Hours later, it was time to get a move on. Readying the stallions, their belongings, and paying off the fare, Luz and Amity set off. "How much longer? I have gotten tired of being on the move." Amity sighed, leaning forward and wrapping her arms around Gelato's neck.

"You are so dramatic Princess." Gelato snorted.

"Well, if Paco and Gelato are up for it.. They can rush to Parvati." Luz hummed. "I do miss her.."

Amity frowned, "What is with you and Parvati?"

Luz looked over her shoulder, Paco snorting and glaring back at Amity, "I find Parvati kind. She was there for me." Luz pat Paco's neck. "For us."

Paco nodded, "What do you mean?" Amity clicked her tounge.

Gelato trot a little faster, matching pace with Paco alongside him. Luz gripped Paco's reins, "When I left." Luz uttered. "When we had nothing, and left, we went to Parvati. She cared for us, gave us what we needed, and was there for us when we couldn't stand on our own."

"W..When you..Were banished..?" Amity lowered her head.

Luz glared into the distance, "Yes. So do not speak of Parvati in any ill way. I do not allow that, even if you are my lover. Parvati doesn't deserve hate, because all she has showed me is love."

Amity fell silent, ears flicking, "Then I suppose we ought to find her a gift." Amity snapped down on Gelato's reins. "Come on, there's a lovely town not too far from here."

Gelato squealed, galloping up ahead, Paco looking to Luz, recieving the cue and chasing after Gelato. A present was a wonderful idea..


Luz felt herself grow embarrassed with the gift she held. It was nothing inappropriate or vulgar, but something she was grateful she had the money for and could gift Parvati. "She will find it silly--" Luz mumbled.

"Parvati will love the gift," Amity smiled. "You need not to worry, I assure you."

The large cook pot had quilt folded inside with a book, quilted flowers, and a handwritten letter. "She will laugh--" Luz placed the lid on top, reddening from shame.

"Luz, Parvati would not laugh at you for gifting her something so sweet.." Amity lowered her head, meeting Luz's gaze. "Luz.."

"But she deserves more than what I have-- I-" Luz exhaled softly, eyes glossing over. "I do not want to gift her something so small.."

Amity caressed her cheek, Luz leaning into her palm and glaring at the silver pot, sniffling. "Let us keep looking then, hm? Mayhaps find her some clothing? It's becoming much colder, and she will need to keep warm won't she?"

Luz nodded slowly, wiping away her light tears, "Yes..S..She would deserve to be warn in these cold months..We shall go look for a beautiful coat for her to wear.."

Amity kissed her nose, "Let us go then. You should shed no tears, Dearest, it is not worth the hassle when the problem can and will be resolved."

Luz held the pot tightly, gently taking Amity's hand, "Let's go.."

Tis, their adventure continues.

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