Fell for her

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Ezekiel Pov

As the mafia head and ceo I have a lot of responsibilities. Yet people think it's very pleasant with all the money and power and with the fact that I can get any girl I want. But I've never let any girl near me, I don't believe in love. All these girls try to impress me only for my money or for my face. Today I was supposed to be conducting a session with my friends in a university as one of the main trustees. But how can I ever be at peace, I got a call from Cal (Callahan), a freaking guard from our company ran away with our upcoming project details.

I was so angry, I HATE BETRAYERS. I had to go and sort this out, he really thought he could get away with this ? I didn't kill him but made sure he wouldn't dare to do such a thing ever again. And yes no matter how ruthless and cruel I am but I don't hurt innocent people. However my mood was ruined not that it's always ecstatic.

I was very near the university so I decided to walk there. I was looking at the details of today's event when something tiny bumped into me and she fell down. I wasn't bothered and turned around, my back facing her however I could notice her actions through the corner of my eyes. She rubbed her nose and looked at the spillled tea as if it was her life. She looked at me and said.

"Can't you see where your going ? I fell down because of you and now my precious tea is ruined. Watch where you go. " She literally scolded me, no one dares to talk without my permission and this little thing screamed at me ! Like seriously you come walking thinking about God knows what and you bump into me and now she had the audacity to yell at me. I already had enough since morning. I turned towards her aggressively about to take out my gun attached to my belt.

But the moment I looked at her my world stopped. I was amazed. Trust me I've never seen someone like her. Her long, wavy, raven hair slightly messed up because of the fall. Her big golden eyes radiated so much warmth and energy. Her milky white skin a little gray in some places because of the dust. And how adorable she looked annoyed at me. She was real beauty. And I might as well add that she didn't have any makeup on.

We both starred at each other for a while and it seemed like she was trying to study me. She shifted her gaze and I came back to reality. I apologised and held out my hand for her to stand. She hesitated but ended up taking it. Her hands were so soft that it felt I was holding a feather and I knew that moment that now I'm never letting go. She stumbled a little but I caught her. She was so delicate that I was afraid that if I would hold her a bit to tightly she might break. She turned slightly red as she let go of my hand and I released my grip from her waist.

Both of us were flustered. I decided to break the silence.

"Are you alright ? Look please forgive me, if you want I can get you another tea? " I offered.

"I'm alright and that won't be necessary. I'm getting late, I need to go. And I'm sorry for yelling at your Mr ?"

"Ezekiel King.....and you are ?"

"Aria Harper. We'll thank you for helping me stand up Mr. King but I really need to go now. " Her name as beautiful as her.

"That's alright and I'm really sorry about your tea. I hope to see you again Aria."

"And I you.

She smiled and I knew.....I was in trouble. I looked at her figure disappear from my sight but she would be back in my arms because she was...

" Mine."

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