Hot Ra*men*

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Aria Pov

A student's life is so tiring. My limbs are aching so much right now, I just finished showering and I changed into some comfy oversized tshirt and shorts. I'm starving but I really don't have any energy to cook something proper so I'm gonna have my comfort food and that's ramen.

It's so easy plus you can easily add your favourite ingredients, the options are endless. I switch on the air conditioner and I go to downstairs. While my room cools I'll have a nice cup of tea and make myself some ramen.

The noodles were halfway cooked so I added some mushrooms, some sprouts, green onions, onions and garlic. Some sliced up sausage and of course the seasoning packets and now I wait for the remaining of it to cook. I bring out my nice big ramen bowl and some kimchi and my spoon and chopsticks along with a can of strawberry flavoured sparkling water. Yup I'm going to have a freaking feast. I really need it. My body is nutrient depleted right now.

I takey food up and I switch on a kdrama but before I could take a bite and a notification from my phone draws my attention. It's too late. Who could be texting me too late ? I open it and it's from an unknown number.

It says a * Hey I'm Flint. Flint Ambrose from the business department.*

Who the heck is he now ? Wait Ambrose ? Is he Bryant Ambrose's son by any chance. I text back.

* Hey I'm sorry but I don't know you.* And he texts back. So fast ?

* Yeah I know like we've hardly ever interacted and I'd really like to get to know you.*

* Oh* that's all I could think of texting.

* Look I'm sorry for texting so late and I know you must be feeling weird get a random text from a guy late at night.*

Do I feel weird ? Obviously, I should have blocked him when I first saw the text but my curiosity always gets the best of me.

* How did you get my number ?*

The typing dots appear, a few seconds later his messages pops up.

* Oh I got it from Enid. Like I got it a month back but I wasn't sure of texting but then I thought it's never to late to give it a try.*


* Why did you want my number. *

* Look I'm not going to lie. Like I saw you in the inauguration ceremony party and I really found you pretty and since then I couldn't stop thinking about you.*

Wth likes people just because they're pretty. Wait if he likes me only because I'm pretty and nothing else then he might be a red flag.

*Oh. Btw are you Mr. Ambrose's son by any chance ?*

* Uh yeah dad just recently became a board member. I'm sure you know. *

Multiple shit. Now he's definitely a red flag. Like I'm not judging but I didn't like Bryant Ambrose and I don't want any kind of relation or socializing with anyone related to him and this guy is his freaking son !!!

* Hey where did you go ?* He texts again.

* No I'm here.*

* So like would you like to hang out ?*

* Or no wait can I court you ?*

Wtf we don't even know each other. This is the first time I'm speaking to him that to online I literally don't even know how he looks. And if Ezekiel gets to know them he's gna murder father and son. Not that I care.

*I'm sorry but I'm already dating someone. And I don't even know you.*

* Come on your obviously not dating someone. If you were then people would know.*

* They don't know because I don't want to reveal it yet and I don't care if you believe me or not but you don't have a chance with me.*

* You know what I'll see you in university tom.*

* As if I care. Don't ever text me again. * After that I blocked his number and called Enid. After a few rings she picks up.


* Why did you give my number to Flint ? I don't even know who he is.*

* Wait what ? Flint who ?*

* Ugghhh Flint, Flint Ambrose from business department. You know I'm already dating. *

* Okay okay wait let me recall.....oh that guy look babe he asked me for your number long time back, way before you knew Ezekiel and he seemed okay sort of and he's quite handsome you know so I thought you guys could maybe talk. *

* But he just texted saying he wants to court me and he doesn't believe the fact I'm already dating like how can someone be so annoying ? I can't tell you how tensed I am. Wait wth my ramen also turned cold because of this shit.*

* Sweetheart there's nothing to be tensed about. Don't worry your attracting all the 'Hot Ra*men*' *

* Hot men my foot ! You know I'm not interested in him plus if Ezekiel gets to know then he'll chew him up raw. And guess what he's Bryant Ambrose's son !*

* Wait Bryant Ambrose's son ? I didn't know of this ?*

* Hmmm.*

* Block him then 😮‍💨*

* I already did.*

* He was hot tho.*

* I'll kill you 🔪🔪🔪*

* 🤧*

*Anyways I'll go now. I need to reheat my food. *

* Okie goodnight love 💖*

*Goodnight 💖*

Ugghhhhh. So much shit happened today.

I place my bowl inside the microwave and switch on the button. I look at it as my bowl spins slowly inside and the smell of the broth filling my nostrils again.

I wonder whether I should tell Ezekiel about this guy or not ? I mean it's no big deal and now it's sorted ? Plus he's already got so many things going on but we promised we'd share everything with one another. Nothing would be hidden. And he tells me everything. I should I guess, anyways he seemed suspicious about Bryant and suddenly his son showing interest in me doesn't seem a good sign.

I bring out my phone to call him but it's too late. He needs to rest. Throughout the day he works like a madman. His post and power is very prestigious but it involves a lot of hardwork and sacrifices. He did sacrifice his dream though. He would have become an excellent doctor I'm sure. The ping of the microwave startles me away from my thoughts. I decid to finish my food and end the day.

I'll surely tell Ezekiel tomorrow.

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