His Friends

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Ezekiel Pov

I just couldn't stop thinking about her, but I know one thing for sure that she's mine. I had already called Raymond and asked him to find out about her. I finally reached the university and the moment I entered girls started screaming and whispering. While some were scared, I mean obviously people are scared of me. A girl with light brown hair came to me and wished me and touched my arm but plain and simple she was trying to flirt. Do I give a damn ? Duhh ? I was anyways never interested in girls and now forget it. My heart now belonged to my love. It was exclusively made for her to rule over it. Aria is and will be the only girl who has and will have all kinds of rights on me.

I glared at her and walked away jerking away my arm from her. She was clearly surprised and embarrassed. She really thought she could impress me ?
I could hear her yell at some students who I guess laughed at her. She deserved it though. A professor came and guided me to the hall which was full. The principal gave his speech while I randomly scanned the crowd. I was missing her already. Suddenly my eyes fell on a familiar figure and instantly recognised her because of the outfit. Could I be more lucky, my love was sitting in the 5th last row of the hall with three other girls who I assumed to be her friends. She looked highly disinterested as her head was down resting on her palms. I chuckled.

It was time for my speech now and as I started my speech I intentionally mentioned the speech being boring and people with their heads down. She immediately looked up and our eyes locked. By the way have I mentioned that eye contact with her makes me, ME very nervous. She looked shocked, her expression was so adorable and amusing. She sat back properly now and was listening. I continued the speech trying not to make her feel uncomfortable she however understood that I was amused.

The principal came for the vote of thanks but my eyes remained glued on her and I realised that I did have an impact on her. A professor came to hand me a bouquet.

The moment I came out my friends were smirking at me and I new why. While Raymond handed me a tab Cal spoke.

" Have y'all heard that one famous Artic glacier just melted. Reason is partially known." He chuckled looking at me glare at him.

" I'm afraid that might lead to global warming. " Felix laughed. I decided to ignore them and looked at the tab, it had details of my love. I'm not stalking, just a little background info. So she lives alone and studies psychology here and is in her second year. She's 20 years old and the only owner of her parents property, they were lawyers. She has four close friends who joined the same University as her, Iris, Enid,.Claire and Luna. And she has no dating history. And a few other facts about her like her favourite colour is blue and she loves cats and TEA, no wonder she was so pissed at me and she loves Toblerone and marshmallows and horror stuff and K-pop etc etc.

" Bro don't scare her away though. Take things slow. " Raymond suggested. And he had a point.

" She won't be afraid. I can see attraction in her eyes for me and I'll just have to get to know her better and she's needs to know about me and we'll be good. " I replied as they nodded. I was sure that she had gained some feelings for me. Maybe not directly love but I'll help her discover her love for me.

We roam around the campus and the boys and I decided to go grab some coffee from the cafeteria. We hadn't even entered yet, we heard some scolding her friends. By the tone of her voice she sounded completely frustrated.

"Honestly guys we just met once today. And he might not be staring at me actually it could be someone behind me. And I don't have any feelings for him, I barely know him. " I instantly recognised that voice. It was Aria and I'm sure they were speaking about our encounter.

"There's no way he was staring at someone else. It had to be you. " A ginger haired girl spoke and she was right.

" Exactly ! Can y'all imagine Ezekiel King in love with our Aria. WE NEED TO GET BRIDESMAID DRESSES NOW. AND THEY'LL BE PINK !" A brunette spoke and I chuckled happy by the fact that her friends understood that I love her without actually meeting me which will make it much easier to know her and the fact that they are already thinking of our wedding.

" Enid we could have olive coloured bridesmaid dresses they'll look classy." This girl had dark brown hair.

" Noooo pink please. It'll look cute and after all I'll be her maid of honor. Right Claire ? " Enid I assume, spoke again.

"Wait wait first we need to decide about her wedding gown. Then we can think of our dresses." Claire suggested.

While they already started planning our wedding and the boys chuckling behind me, I saw my love clearly annoyed and ready to kill. She looked so cute.

" So I Iris Philip, close friend wait not friend sister of Aria Harper announce her wedding with Ezekiel King !" And that's when I entered and all of them froze.

I couldn't hide my smirk while Aria looked like she wanted to vanish.

" We meet again Aria. These are my friends Callahan, Felix, Apollo and Raymond." I smiled at her.

My poor baby was so shocked that she couldn't reply. When Enid nudged her, she came back to her senses.

" Oh yeah.....hi ! These are my friends....ummm that's Enid and Claire and she's Iris and that's Luna. Nice to meet you all. " She finished awkwardly.... she's too precious.

Callahan came forward and took her hand in his and kissed it. Does he have a death wish ?
" Nice to meet you sweetheart." he said.
Following him Felix and Raymond did the same. I'll surely kill these asses.

" Mr. King we are going to a party tonight and we're invited to have our friends join us, Aria...I mean we'll be very happy if you all join us tonight. " Enid asked me all excited and I know why she did and I was happy with the offer.

" It's Ezekiel please and it would be a pleasure joining you all. I hope we'll get to know each other better that way." I said looking at Aria.
I handed her a card. Our fingers brushed and I could feel her shiver against my touch. I surely did affect her.
"This is my number Aria kindly text me the time and place. "
I smiled at her.
" Ok....thank you." She murmured.

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