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Aria Pov

Today I was supposed to go out with Ezekiel. My friends were dead sure it was a date. I wasn't. Even though I realised that I've fallen in love with him but it's not necessary that he loves me back. I mean maybe he's taking me out for dinner or something because he still feels guilty for whatever happened yesterday. There could be many possibilities.

I take a shower and get dressed into something casual but presentable and something that looks good enough for a dinner. I ended up wearing a simple brown skirt and white top. It looked cute.

We were having proper classes now, enough of fun :(. I haven't met any of my friends except for Enid because only we two take psychology. Claire has journalism and Iris and Luna have commerce, boring. We had English next. I enjoyed English but we were studying The Tempest currently and I don't enjoy it at all. The Merchant of Venice is much better I feel even though Bassanio is completely useless. Anyways I won't bore y'all with Shakespeare.

I met my other friends near our lockers, Enid was in the washroom right now. She loves going to the washroom for some reason, the university washroom to be specific.

" Which act were we doing last time ? No wait I mean which scene ?" Claire asks me flipping the pages of her textbook as we walk towards our class.

" Act 3 scene 1." This scene is only love talk between Ferdinand and Miranda.

" Ok...btw." Enid runs up to us interrupting Claire.

" Guess what happened ?" She says catching her breath.

" You bought another pink dress ?" Iris chuckles.

" No unfortunately not but I just heard Amanda in the washroom and it was so funny. She was legit telling her so called friends that Ezekiel is in love with her and they're dating and stuff."

" Wait Ezekiel is dating her ?? Then wth did he ask me out ? "

" Calm down.... she's obviously lying Aria. I don't think y'all know but on the inauguration day when he came here she tried flirting with him but he jerked her off and walked away and then people laughed at her so that is why she's saying all this. Trynna cover up I guess. And if she was actually dating him then she would have gone around the entire university telling people or put up posters yet she only told her friends. And we know what kind of friends she has. "

" That better be true or I'll kill this man." I don't even know why the hell was I getting angry.

" Someone's already jealous." Iris teased.

Was I really jealous ? I shouldn't be jealous, he isn't even mine.

Yet. Maybe we don't know let's see what happens tonight.

" Why would I be jealous? Anyways this is what I'll be wearing tonight cause y'all know he'll directly pick me up from here. Is this fine ? " I ask.

" It's beautiful. He'll love it !" Luna said as she gave me a quick hug. I love my friends, they are always so supportive and so encouraging. I feel really lucky to have them in my life.

" Thanks. Oh shit....guys let's go or we'll be late for class. " I said looking at my watch. 

" Shit shit.... let's go otherwise the professor's gonna turn into the harpy today." Claire laughs and we join in.

We luckily reach class on time. Turns out that Feridinanda's ( Ferdinand and Miranda ) love talk wasn't that boring.

It's 4:30pm right now and my hair is tied up in a messy bun and we all are in the cafeteria having tea and biscuits. I really need to fix myself by that I mean wash my face, apply moisturizer, put on some perfume and comb my hair. I quickly eat the last piece of biscuit and sip my remaining tea.

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