3 Ben

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I walk in my dorm and see Jane laying on Evie's bed as Evie was sewing a dress and Mal was doing some schoolwork on her bed.
They don't pay much attention to me as I walk over to my bed.

    "I'll never get a boyfriend." Jane said. I look at her. She looked different instead of that ugly short hair she had before she now has long curly brown hair, she looked better.

    "Boyfriends are overrated." Mal said.

    "And how would you know, Mal? You've never had one." I say looking at Mal.

    "It's cause I don't need one." Mal said. "They're a waste of time."

Suddenly Evie gasped, "I forgot to do Chad's homework! Oh, no! Oh, no, no, no." Evie quickly got up and picked up a backpack.

     "And that is exactly what I mean." Mal says.

    "Not all Boys are like Chad, Mal." I say, in my head I think of Harry.

Evie quickly took out some papers just as we hear a knock on the door.

    "Hey, guys! I'm Lonnie." A Girl with short black hair said as she rushed over to Mal. "My Mom's Mulan? No? Anyway, I love what you've done with Jane's hair. And I know you hate us and well, you're evil. But do you think you can do mine?"

    "Why would I do that for you?" Mal asked, not looking up from her work.

    "I'll pay you $50." Lonnie says and takes out a small bag.

    "Good answer. I need to buy more material." Evie said taking the money. "Let's see, I'm thinking we lose those bangs, maybe some layers, and some highlights." I laughed at how excited Evie is.

    "Yeah, yeah. I want it cool. Like Mal's." Lonnie said, Mal looked up at her.

    "Really. The split ends, too?" Evie said.

Mal growls and gets off the bed, she walked over and picked up her spell book flipping to a page.

    "Beware, forswear, replace the old with cool hair." Mal then shut the book and switched her finger to the side up and down with Lonnie's head falling. Her hair changed from short and black to long curly and brown. Lonnie looked in the big standing up mirror.

    "I know. I know. It looks like a mop on your head. You know what? Let's cut it off. Layer it..." Evie told Lonnie.

    "No, no, no, no, no, no! I love it." Lonnie told Evie.

    "You do?" Evie asked disappointed.

    "It's just..." Lonnie looked down and to the surprise of all she ripped her skirt. "Now I'm cool."

    "No now you look like an idiot." I say quietly so they don't hear.

    "Like ice." Mal complemented her.
Jane walks over and stands in front of Lonnie, before she went and ripped her dress.

    "What did I just do? Mom's gonna kill me!" Jane gasped as I laugh to myself.

After Lonnie and Jane leave we all start doing our work. Soon Carlos came in with Dude. And not long after Jay came in with a Jersey.

"I knew it." I say briefly looking up from my work.

"Did your plan work with Jane?" Jay asks Mal as he walks over to her. "Are you going over to see the wand?"

"Do you think that I would be going through every single spell in this book if I hadn't completely struck out?" Mal answered.

"Someone's in a bad mood." Jay says.

"My Mom's counting on me! I can't let her down!" Mal said.

"We can do this..." Jay tried. "If we stick together."

"And we won't go back until we do. Because we're rotten..."

    "To the core." We all said.

    "Oh, yeah. I found of that Fairy Godmother blesses Ben with the wand at coronation and we all get to go.  I have nothing to wear, of course." Evie says and we all look at her.
There is a knock on the door.

    "What?" Evie asked Mal.

    "Hold that thought." Mal said then walked over to the door to be greeted by Ben.

Mal and Ben talk, I don't really listen.

    "I think it's time that Bennyboo got himself a new girlfriend. And I need a love spell!" Mal said to us as she shut the door, Carlos threw her the book.

We went down to the kitchen and started to bake but we needed a tear, a tear of human sadness, that troubled us for a bit. Till Lonnie came in looking for Mal, and some how we got to a conversation about how our Parents didn't really love us or something which caused a tear to run down her face.

The next day Evie, me and Carlos watch and Ben eats the cookie. And everything was perfect and Ben fell in love.

Shortly after we all went to the game and watched Ben, Carlos, and Jay win the game making the crowd go wild.

I stare at Mal as Ben walked off.

    "That worked incredibly well." I say.

    "I feel really sorry for Audrey." Mal said.

    "You do?" Evie questioned.

    "Yeah. I feel like if she were talented like you, and she knew how to sew and knew beauty tips, that she wouldn't need a Prince to make her feel better about." Mal said to Evie.

We all go to our next classes which I literally fell asleep in and was woken up by the teacher yelling for me to leave.
I walk to my dorm and see Evie.

    "Where's Mal?" I ask.

    "She's on a date with Ben." Evie replied happily.

    "A date? And you never told me, I could of helped." I say.

    "No offence, (Y/n), but you haven't even been on a date before, you wouldn't be much help." Evie said to me.

    "Hey, I've been on a date before." I defend.

    "With who?" She asked and my mind instantly went to Harry.

    "Umm...Not important." I say and walk over to my bed.

    "Exactly." Evie smiled.

I throw a pillow at her and grab my work.

Next morning the five of us our in class with Fairy Godmother.

    "Children, excuse me. Um... as you know, this Sunday is Family Day here at Auradon Prep. And because your Parents can't be here due to distance. We've arranged for a special treat."

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