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We drive off.
It doesn't take long for us to arrive on the magic bridge. We get over and arrive on the Isle.
We park under the pier in the old garage, and we all get out.

     "Ben, help me with the tarp." Carlos says, they grab it and we help pull it over the limo.
I hide my joy of being back and try to act sad or worried or whatever is the opposite.

Ben walked over to a big metal tunnel.

     "Hey, what's in here?" Ben asked. We all rushed over.

    "You don't want to know." Jay tells him.

    "Keep it chill, all right? Last thing we need is our Parents figuring out we're here." Carlos told us.

     "If that's our main problem then I don't have to worry about it." I joke.

The others stay silent and walk off.
We walk through a street with many people.
I turn around when I hear Evie's voice.
I see a child purposefully bump into Evie, as another one came from behind and grabbed her wallet.
    "Hey. Stop." Evie said as she grabbed the child with her wallet.
I rush forward to help her, but she then just let them go.
She turned to face us and scoffed. "Ben."

We rush forward and find Ben trying to talk to a man.

    "Ben, stop. Just stop." Evie said to him as Carlos stands in front of the man who quickly backed off.

    "Keep your hands in your pockets unless you're stealing." Jay told Ben.

    "You either slouch or strut." Carlos says.

    "And never ever smile." Evie says.

    "Okay, thanks..." Ben started.

    "No. No thank you and drop the please too. Just chill." I tell Ben.

Ben continued a little further ahead and bumped into someone.
We quickly go over to him and I instantly recognize him Gil.

"Hey, I know you." Gil said.

"Uh, no. Don't know you either, man." Ben said.

"Uh, yeah, you do. Come on, man. Really? Huh? Dude, I'll give you a hint. My Dad is quick, slick, and his neck... Huh... Is incredibly thick. Come on, man..." Gil tried but Ben didn't show any sign of recognition. Then Gil looked up at a wall with a poster of Ben and Mal, after a bit Gil put the two together and soon recognized Ben. "Oh, you're King Ben."

"I don't think so." Ben disagrees.

"Yeah. You totally are King Ben." Gil say as we quickly pull Ben away. "And you're Jay, Carlos, Evie, (Y/n)! Hey guys. Oh, (Y/n) Har.."
I turn around and just give him a look that instantly shut his mouth before he finished.

After a bit more walking we arrived at Mal's. Jay picks up a rock and tosses it at the 'DANGER FLYING ROCK' Sign which opened a gate to the stairs. Ben started to walk up.

"Wish me luck." Ben said.

"All the way up." Jay told him and Ben walked up.

"Good luck." Evie told him.
I sat on a barrel and waited.

I missed every thing about the Isle and even though it is a crowded Isle that we are quite literally trapped on, but I felt free.

After a long wait we heard Ben come down to stairs, we all get up and look at him.

"So..." Evie asked. "Where's Mal?"

"She's not coming back." Ben told us as he walked towards the way we came.

"What?" Evie said. "I'll talk to her." She walked over to a tube, telephoned like thing that went all the way up and we used for talking. "M, Mal, it's Evie. Let me just talk to you for a second." She begged.

"Let's give her a couple hours of cool off." Jay said to Evie.

"Guys. Where's Ben?" Carlos said and we all walk over to him and look back the way we came but Ben was nowhere in sight.

"Ben?" Evie called quietly.

I walk forward a bit and see a figure approaching us through the mist with is head hung, I turn towards the others and sigh in relief.

"Ben! Ben don't scare us like that." Evie says and we exhale.

"Don't scare you?" When I heard that voice my heart went racing. "That's my specialty." Before I could turn around to see I felt something cold press against my throat.

"Harry. Let go of (Y/n)." Evie ordered. Evie, Jay and Carlos got angry and ready for a fight.

"I don't think I will." Harry tells her.

"What did you do with Ben?" Jay asked.

"Oh, uh, we nicked him. Mmm-hmm. Yeah, um, and if you want to see him again have Mal come to the Chip Shoppe tonight. Alone." Harry pressed the hook a little more to my throat and played with my hair a bit with his other hand, Carlos lunged forward but Evie held him back."Uma wants a little visit. Aw. Jay. Seems like you've lost your touch."

"Just let (Y/n) go!" Jay yelled lunging for Harry but Evie just held him back too.

"Jay." She said.

I hear Harry laughing as he bends down slightly, keeping his hook to my throat, he turns my head and gives me a quick kiss before standing up straight turning back to the others and laughing. I see the anger boiling inside everyone when Harry did that. Just as they were about to fight I bring both my hands to the hook. I slowly pull the hook down, I turn around to face Harry, who now had his arm around me as I kiss him, longer than he kissed me.
I turn back to the others and a smile spreads across my lips as they just stare at us. Harry laughs then fake barks at Carlos before he turns around with me still holding his hook hand and I walk off with him.

Once we're a good distance away I turn to Harry, letting go of his hook.

"Never hold your hook to my throat again." I warn him.

"Sorry, love, but their faces were priceless." Harry says.

"They were." I smile and kiss him. When I step back I take Harry's other hand.

We go to the Chip Shop and the moment Uma saw me she stopped what she was doing.

"You got another one." Uma said to Harry as she stepped closer to me.

"No, surprisingly I actually came willingly." I released Harry's hand and walked closer to Uma.
The whole room went an uneasy quiet as Uma and I just looked at each other in silence. Everyone intently watched unsure what to do half expecting us to start killing each other.
After what felt like forever but in truth was a couple minutes Uma and I start laughing, then we hug before everyone else goes back to what they were doing.

"I thought you'd never come back." Uma said.

"And leave you here. Your crazy." I smile.

Love comes first //Harry Hook x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now