14 Hades

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I looked away and turn my attention back to Ben as he speaks.

"Mal, this is the exact spot we first met not so long ago. I feel like I've known you my whole life. But did I mention I'm in love with you?" Ben sang a couple lines from the first song he sung to Mal, but with a very special addition. "You got me down on my knee." Ben knelt down and took out a ring. "Mal, it's you and me. It's you and me forever. Will you marry me? Will you be my Queen?" Ben asked opening the little ring box.

Mal gasped, "Yes."
Everyone erupted into cheers, well, everyone except Audrey, Queen Leah and Chad.
Ben stood up sliding the ring on Mal's finger. I heard a deafening scream from Evie who stood beside me as they kissed.
After a bit of celebration Mal came running down to Evie.

     "What, did you know?" She asked.

     "Everything." Evie smiled.

Mal came over and gave me a hug before she went on and hugged Beast, Belle and Fairy Godmother.

     "All bow to Her Royal Majesty." Jay joked.

     "Oh, yes, her Royal Purple-ness." Carlos joined, taking off his golden band hat and we all four bow.

     "Silence, you annoying peasants." Mal gave a little Royal wave and walked off.

     "As you wish, my Liege." Jay said.

     "Your Crankiness." Carlos laughed putting his hat on, and we laugh.

      "Ok. let's do this." Ben said to us as he came over

The purple limo pulled up and we all got in, Jay in the driver's seat.

We pull away from the school and soon cross over the magic bridge arriving on the Isle.

Everyone got out of the limo as the kids say bye to their Parents.
I lean against the limo till I spot someone in an alley not to far off, I stand up straight and look a little closer just to make sure it is who I think it is. I make my way through the small crowd around the limo and walk over.

"What are you doing here?" I ask Harry as I step into the alley.

"I'm here to see you, of course." He smirks.

I step forward and hold his hand giving him a kiss on the lips.
He smiles at me and I smile back before I look behind me and see Jay getting in the limo.

"I wish I could stay longer." I sigh and turn away dropping his hand.
I walk over to the open door and get in, it always hurts me to leave him, and I hate how little time we have together now, but Evie said he will be able to come to Auradon soon, so I'm trusting her on that.

Celia, Mal and Ben were the last in the limo, shutting the door behind them.
Evie and Dizzy sat with each other talking very excitedly, Mal sat beside Ben who sat beside Celia was using her cards to tell his fortune, and I sat beside Carlos who sat beside Squeaky.

I look down at my lap as I unwrap a piece of chocolate, I finally manage to get the rapper off and look forward. Just as I was about to put it in my mouth I see a man with blue hair shoving his way through the crowd causing the people to flee in panic. Of course this man was none other than Hades, Mal's Father, the only reason I know that is because I overheard Mal telling Evie that.
I watch as Hades punches forward just as the gate was about to close. But he made it just in time, his fist made it through and he used his other hand to open the hole a little more.

"It's Hades." Evie said causing everyone else to look. "Stop the car. He's trying to escape." Evie ordered and the car pulled to a stop.

Ben, Evie, Jay, Carlos, I and Mal quickly got out of the limo and stood around the car leaving the kids inside.

"I am a GOD!" Hades yelled as he had just got his head through, and his hair lit up dancing like blue fire. "I don't belong here!"
Jay, Carlos and Ben ran forward but just as I was about to go with them Hades zapped each of them with something that looked like blue light causing them to fall over in pain.
Hades laughed and looked directly at Mal, I turned my attention towards her. Her eyes were bright green and purple smoke consumed her. She re-emerged as a dragon. I look back at Hades and the smile disappears, Mal flew forward but before she could do anything Hades hit her with the lightning like thing, only this stayed connected to Mal, who seemed to be in pain.

"Come on, Mal, blast him." Jay yelled.

I saw how much Mal was struggling and how focused Hades was on her. I walked forward behind Hades's head. I had two main options of what to do going through my head, One was to punch him, and Two was to just distract him, so I quickly make up my mind.

"Excuse me." I say with a smile on my face. I instantly turned his head around to see me and was obviously surprised by how close I was. But before he could do anything else I bring my fist to his face and he stumbles back slightly muttering under his breath but still keeps his hands and head just through the gate.
The lighting that was connected to Mal was broken, and she took advantage of it. I quickly stepped back and ducked down as Mal shoot a strong breath of wind at Hades pushing him back and fully shutting the gate and he falls backwards, rolling a couple times.
Mal fly's down still clutching her heart as a cloud of purple surrounds her, quickly clearing and revealing her back in her normal form, on top of the trunk of the limo. Ben and Evie quickly rush over and take her hands helping Mal down.
I walked over to them as Mal clutched her stomach in pain with Ben and Evie at her side holding her.

"Are you okay?" I hear Evie ask.

"No. He was draining all of my magic with the ember, and I felt all of my powers slipping away." Mal explained.

"You're safe." Evie assured. "He's back where he belongs."
I look back at the Isle and see Hades angrily walking off causing everyone who was watching to quickly scatter.

"Yeah, for now." Mal gasped, as she leaned against Ben.

"We should go." Jay said as he patted Mal's shoulder.

"Okay." Mal agreed.

We all get back in the limo, Mal walking with the help of Ben.

"(Y/n), that was amazing, what you did back there." Carlos said as we pulled up at the school.

"I must say, it was fun." I say stepping out of the limo. "I'm heading of to bed." I say as I head for my dorms just as the sun was setting.

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