Rietveld's Accent

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Summary: Kaz Brekker was from Lij. Yes, yes he did have a southern accent when he was younger. A strong drawl. Ever since he shoved it down though, it only shows up when he's tired (like edge of passing out tired) or when he's truly drunk. What happens when you combine both and throw in the crows?

Third Person POV:

Kaz limped to the Van Eck mansion. All the crows were there, Inej's return made everyone excited.

And maaaybbeeee Kaz had a few sips of kvas before he left the Slat.

Okay maybe two bottles. Or was it three? Four? There was a broken one somewhere in his office, and three? Empty ones?

To hell with it, it didn't matter. Kaz Brekker had a incredibly high tolerance, but wasting himself on the strongest kvas in Ketterdam always helped.

If he was going to face Inej without armor, he needed a little help.

He didn't let his intoxication show as he walked the streets of the barrel, the only evidence was the extra fever to his eyes, and the bottle shaped lump under his coat.

In his defense, it had been a rough week. Territory arguments with the Liddies and Black Tips, squabbles within the lower Dreg ranks, and one thing after another.

Kaz hadn't slept in seven days? Seven, eight?

Oh well numbers were a human construct any way. One Kaz usually was very good at.

He burst through the Van Eck door, hearing laughing from the dining hall.

Kaz let a stupid grin break across his face as he hung up his coat. He hobbled into the dining room, finding his crows.

He smiled again, letting out a breathy laugh. Inej and Jesper were staring at him with wide eyes, Wylan was just confused. Nina was looking at Kaz with mischief and Matthias was suspicious.

"Kaz? Are you okay?" Inej asked tentatively.

"Absolutely darlin' how else woul' I be?" His accent rolled off his tongue naturally. Like wind over golden wheat fields.

"What in all the worlds is wrong with y'all? Y'all look like y'all done seen a ghost or somethin'! Well, she's sittin' right there but sweet Saints above y'all lookin' confused seven ways to heaven!" Kaz plopped himself down at the head of the table, realizing he'd left his bottle of kvas in his coat. Inej's face was painted a beautiful crimson over her lovely copper skin. Had he done that? Was it his voice? Did she like hearing his voice like this?

"...Kaz?" Wylan said, looking at the Barrel Boss oddly.

"Yes? That's my name Sunshine, whatcha want?"

Inej was busy, glitching as she stared at Kaz, her face a blushing mess. Nina spoke next, staring at Kaz with an intrigued look. "Where's that accent from? Sounds southern, I thought you were from Ketterdam?"

Kaz laughed, a hearty laugh that actually had some humor in it. His rock salt rasp had a softened edge in his natural voice. "Nah 'course not Zenik. I'm from Lij, small lil town south a here."

All the crows stared, open mouthed again. Inej shook out of her stupor, and Kaz didn't want to know if the pieces of his story were clicking in her head.

"Oh come on now. Y'all really thought I was from this wretched city?" The somber tone to his southern voice caught everyone off guard. "All Y'all really thought I was in any way related to this stupid city that took everything from me?"

Kaz laughed again, but this one was dry. No humor or joy.

"Come on, this night don't need to be wasted on no depressin conversations. Let's have some fun! Jes, come on now," Kaz's dark eyes sparkled with a youthful mischief, finally the dangerous boy looked his age. "I know you're always up for a good gamble."

Kaz smiled, his usual smile mixed with a little something more. He dramatically swung his cane, like an actor about to break into song.

Then the most dangerous boy in Ketterdam strutted to the Van Eck living room, leaving a bunch of confused crows in his wake.

A/N: This sucks but I tried per IfIWasNormalrrequest, more to come sorry this is bad anywayzzzzz. Requests? Comments?

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